For example, if a girl really likes you, she will first try to know you over the telephone, then out of nowhere, she is going to start texting you and being "provoking" to you!
If you cannot deal with these situations, the girl is simply going to get bored of you and she is will run away!
You will never hear from her again!
And the most important element of texting girls is how to start conversations with them, you cannot just send her a "hi, how are you?" text message, everyone does it and she will simply get bored of you instantly!
You need some real conversation starters for texting girls that will work great from the very beginning.
This is what I'm going to share with you, my own conversation starters I use with girls, I guarantee you that if you start using these amazing opening lines, girls are going to become addicted to you very quickly.
However, you must understand that if you are not truly self-confident and a very mature person, you may seduce girls over text, but when they meet you in person, they are going to be disappointed!
This is why I highly advise you to start reading about becoming more self-confident and also knowing how to attract girls the right way, it’s the best investment and the most essential knowledge you need for having a great romantic life.

I've learned a great technique from a natural guy, who is simply the best I know in meeting and dating girls, he did not invent routines or techniques, he was just natural!
Whenever I would sit with him, I would get a ton of knowledge and one of the best tips he gave me was to always shorten phrases and expressions with girls!
I'm sure that this is going to look strange to you, but girls are attracted to guys that are dominant, and the more words you are going to use in your sentences and communication, the more weak and "trying" you are going to look because you are going to appear as you want to convince people, which is a bad thing to do if you want to be attractive!
You need to stay away from convincing girls about you, that’s why the best conversation starter when texting girls is "wussup!", and I don't mean "what’s up?", no way, what I mean is " wussup".
Whenever you want to text a girl, always use it, you are going to look extremely different from the losers out there and girls are going to keep asking themselves about your self-confidence and your strong "manners"!
Needless to tell you that girls are attracted to bad boys, and nice guys will never say" wussup" to them, they will always try to respect them and be extremely gentle, which is not the best technique to use for starting conversation with them.
The second conversation starter when texting a girl is "wake up!"
Let's be honest, the more you sound and look unusual, the more girls are going to respect and find you attractive, just walk in the street for some few minutes and you are going to be flooded with "casual" and "normal" guys!
They are everywhere, they are all dressed the same way and they all talk the same way!
If you want to attract girls, you need to become different, and the best way to do so is to make a smashing first impression on them, when you write "wake up!" to a girl, she will not understand what you mean and she will try to make you explain it to her!
Do not, let her be surprised by you and let her be "shocked" by your manners.
The third fantastic conversation starter is calling girls “dude".
This is one of my favorite starters I use when texting girls, I would simply type: "wussup dude!”
Girls just love it, they will answer me back almost immediately and they are going to keep talking to me for a long time, I will become their number one priority.
But the thing you need to understand here is that starting a text conversation with girls is the easiest thing, the most difficult one is keeping it interesting and keeping her attracted and fascinated by you.
Excellent, could use these with girls I'll meet at a friend party. thanks
ReplyDeleteGood luck man, please, if you need more tips, email me :)
ReplyDeleteSurely you must be joking, some of these conversation starters are incredibly difficult to use with girls! Do you have other easy ones?
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, these are the easiest conversation starters when you are texting girls, don't be afraid just use them and you are going to see amazing results very quickly.
ReplyDeleteLol I was reading this just cuz I wanted to hit up my guy FRIEND. He only texted me once so far and I'd seen him at a party two days ago so I was like why not text him? And as I was reading the whole wassup shpeel my crush texted me wazzup?....I had to laugh. 1. He never texts like that 2. Irony even tho he wasn't the guy I wanted to text I still laughed jus cuz he hasn't texted me in a long time. Idk I just found it ironic. Lol
ReplyDeleteSeriously?!?!?! Over half the girls I know would think this is ridiculous! Wassup, and wake up? Are your fricken kidding me. We girls DO like hellos, and what are you doings. Most of us do NOT actually like 'bad boys', we like ones that are responsible.
ReplyDeleteLmao, there is probably one good piece of advice there. Wassup dude? By far one of the worse conversation starters. You have a lot to learn my friend.
ReplyDeletehey sir. I have been reading stuff on your website since yesterday. I can see that you really a genius and you know girls very well. I want to start a certain connection with you so that i can also be a genius.
ReplyDeleteI am not that type of guy who doesnt approach girls, i actually do approach them. There's just some of them that i can't. I usually text girls, talk to them but the end we just become good friends. Its like they get bored of me and i run out of things to say.
Well there's this one girl in my school whom i just can't approach. To me she is my perfect girl. My friends have introduced us before but we dont even greet each other when we pass by. We act like we don't know each other. Can you please help? I really like this girl
Yep, I still have a lot to learn ;)
ReplyDeleteReally? I don't seem to remember girls throwing themselves at me when I was a very nice guy!!! I wish you find an extremely nice guy who would shower you with compliments and gifts of all kinds :)
ReplyDeleteHello, I've already sent you an email, thanks a lot for you comment, and if anyone is reading this, the best thing to do is to start very small, don't try to impress her and seduce her immediately, be cool, have things to do, be busy, and be the first to leave, don't talk for more than two minutes, then you need to escalate with her.
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your articles and used them quite a bit aha. But I really like this girl and I text her and she gave me a good rate and I want her to be my girlfriend but I dont know if she likes me forsure. Do you know any good mind playing questions?
Another question I have is what are some other fun texting conversation starters like ex. Hey what are you doing except missing me and doodling hearts.?
Thank you
And she sends little word messages. But she thinks im hot and well I dont know I want to stay a fun texter for her
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for your comment. The first rule to attract a girl is to be playful, tease her and be fun to be with, she will naturaly gravitate towards you and she won't help but be your gitlfriend.
Another very important thing is to never tell her that you want her to become your GF! She will be scared, and for conversation starters, use the ones in this post, I've used them hundreds of times and they are perfect, just try to have a strong confidence, it's the most important trait to have.
I see, she is digging you a lot, you need to back down a little, and I'm very serious!
ReplyDeleteIf you lean in on her too much, you start caring a lot and pushing yourself towards her, she will run away!
Relax, have fun with her and never reveal that you like her, at first, she will not like it!
Remember that girls enjoy a little mistery about a guy.
Good luck!
Is their any way of contact with you because I really do want to ask somemore questions and tips offorays alright with you
ReplyDeleteSure, use the contact page, I'll gladely help you out.
ReplyDeleteThanx man and um where is the contact page
ReplyDeleteOr email?
ReplyDeleteHey me and this girl and me like each other but we usually talk over text and when we are in person it's awkward, the spark is sorta going away I try to come up to her but when I do I just don't know what to say, and when we text she text small messages so there is nothing to say back to keep the conversation going what do I do
ReplyDeleteHello, you seem to have a problem with keeping the conversation interesting! Am I right?
ReplyDeleteLook, the best thing you can do is to talk about subjects girls enjoy, emotions, feelings, gossip news, recipes, talking about friends, and most importantly, themselves!
Yes, girls love to talk about themselves, so, use this to your benefit, next time you start texting her, ask her what she is doing, where she is, stuff she is wearing... let her come to you, let her reveal herself to you.
Another very important thing to do is to start teasing her, and this is why you are feeling awkward! You need to feel the man, you need to make her lough.
Do this and she will adore you and she won't be able to resist you.
Hi , there's this girl at my school who I really like and I'm so nervous to talk to her but I talk often through text message . She found out I liked her and said she wanted to stay as friends. But lately she has been texting first and I don't text first anymore so I don't look like I'm interested . I want to talk about more important stuff besides school so I could get to know her . Any tips ?
First, try to cool down a little, don't be too interested in her; try to talk to other girls and focus on yourself a little, then, call her and try to avoid texting her, just have a good conversation with her, ask her interesting questions and meet her, try to read other posts in this website.
ReplyDeleteWhen she finds you a little interesting, escalate things with her a little, hold her hand or kiss her, it's the best strategy to use.
Good luck and if you need more help, email me.
Bro could you send me the email I have the exact same problem
ReplyDeleteHi, I ve met a girl one year older than me at school but we don't talk a lot in person and when we do it's mostly about school stuff. I tried talking to her by text and after 2 weeks of texting I asked if she wanted to meet outside of school and she said she had no problem but when I asked her if she could this week she said she was very busy. What should I do because I really like her?
ReplyDeleteYou are already doing great, next time, don't ask her, tell her that you'll be somwhere and propose her to join you, the best thing to do is top choose a place you enjoy and be there, whether she comes or not, just go, you'll feel amazing.
ReplyDeleteDo i have to wait a while before texting her again?
ReplyDeleteDon't exceed four days, and try to not do it before two days :)
ReplyDeleteIsn't this to often ?
ReplyDeleteAfter waiting two days I started a new conversation and after a while after she had answered me I asked her how were her vacations. Three days have passed and she hasn't replied yet. What do I do?
ReplyDeleteForget about her now, make her jealous, talk to other people and especially girls, she'll go mad!
ReplyDeleteWhat can I do if I asked the girl out too soon ?
ReplyDeleteYou need to be cool about it, ignore her and be with people you like so as not to look weak, then act as if nothing happened, why not try to talk to her again?
ReplyDeleteHey great tips! I tried the "wussup!" On a girl and she responded quickly! Do you have anymore text starters?
ReplyDeleteUse the others found in this post :)
ReplyDeletewell this has kinda helped but there is a girl who I use to text all the time with long convos and stuff but then we fell out for a long time, im not really sure how to talk to her any more. How can i start convos with her. ps- i like this girl and previously asked her out
ReplyDeleteWell, act as if you don't care, girls go crazy for this, smile, walk near her and don't talk to her, she'll be intrigued, do this three times for one week, then, stop! She'll miss you a lot, then you can talk to her, she'll like you a lot. Good luck man.
ReplyDeleteJust walk into an old girl i used to knpw, used one of your line and it works
ReplyDeleteGood for you, glad it helped you.
ReplyDeleteWill please send me the email of how To keep a conversation going and send me the email that you sent them
ReplyDeleteCheck your inbox.
ReplyDeleteWhat if she already knows you like her? Then how do you talk to her?
ReplyDeleteThe same way as described in the post, what's important is the way you do it.