Thursday, June 11, 2015

"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.

Your girlfriend is going to enjoy these quotes tremendously, she is going to feel that you are being true to her, more importantly, she will go crazy for you when you tell her these quotes in the way I'm going to reveal to you in this post:

The first step is to never send these quotes as a text message unless you are sure of what you are doing.

It is because most guys are going to keep sending one text after the other to their girlfriends, and although this is quite doable, it is only going to hurt you because your girl can be a little annoyed and overwhelmed by what you are telling her.

So, my advice is to stay away from sending too many quotes to her, and if you would like to use them in text messaging, please, stick to one quote every three days!

Yes, this can be a little frustrating to most of you, but it is very important because you need to create anticipation and your girlfriend must also start missing your texts, otherwise, she will feel bored of what you send her over and over again!

Now, let me tell you about how to say these "You are the best girlfriend" quotes your girlfriend:

Look her right in the eyes, hold her hands, and don't smile a lot, then tell her.

It is this simple!

When you are done, go for a kiss, it is very romantic and it will make her melt in your arms.

Here are my favorites "You are the best girlfriend" quotes:

  • I could never ignore you because you are the best girlfriend in the world.

  • Being with you is more fulfilling than winning the lottery or having everything I want, in fact, you are everything I want.

  • I’d always pick up the phone for you, because you are the best girlfriend for me.

  • Every day, I tell you how perfect you are because I mean it and you are perfection on Earth.

  • I’d never let anyone be mean to you, because you are my girlfriend, my only one.

  • I’d do everything possible to make sure you feel safe because I love you and I respect you.

  • Keeping you happy is my only priority because you are the best girlfriend for me.

  • If you are upset, I would stay up all night talking to you just to make sure you are okay, don't you forget, you are the one for me.

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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.