The first step to building confidence with women is to start valuing yourself.
As suggested before, building your self-confidence is going to require a lot of efforts and a lot of time, so, don't get desperate, you are going to reach your goal very soon, within just two or three months of applying these steps, but before, you will need to work on valuing yourself.
What do I mean by valuing yourself?
I mean that you should see yourself as a valuable person and as someone who is worthy.
Answer this question honestly: If you were a woman, would you marry a man like you?!
So, the most important thing to do now is to simply start asking yourself questions about whether you are valuable as a man or not, start seeing where you are now and start seeing what you can be in the future, for example, things you need to work on and traits you need to have in order to feel great about yourself.
Then, take a pen and paper and write down twenty things you really like about yourself, I don't care what they are; I just need you to write down twenty things you really think are great about yourself and your personality.
If you don't do this exercise, you are simply wasting your time and you will never build true and lasting confidence with women.
The second tip is to review your confidence list every day.
When you wake up, the first thing you have to do is to look at your list and see that you are a valuable person and that you are amazingly attractive to women.
That is all you need for this tip to work, your brain is going to adapt very rapidly and you are soon going to find yourself exceptionally confident in all areas of your life and especially with women.
The third tip is to never allow your mind to bring you down.
Your biggest enemy in building self-confidence with women is your mind, if you let it poison your existence with its negative thoughts and ideas, you are never going to reach success because it’s simply trying to protect you, that is why it’s going to tell you negative things in order to stop from hurting yourself!
The best thing you can do is to simply shut down your mind when it starts throwing negative messages at you!
This is probably one of the most helpful things you can do in order to build self-confidence not only with women, but in all areas of your life.
For example, when I was first trying to get a strong and healthy body, my mind would tell me that I will never do it and that I was too weak or too fat, and the bad thing was that I believed it!
However, when I started looking truly at what I can do and what I can achieve, I began seeing myself as a capable person and as a fantastic person that can reach everything he wants in life.
Now, let's talk about the fourth and most important tip, the doing!
If you want to build real and lasting confidence with women, you need to first think about what you want to achieve, and then start doing it.
I've learned this from Stephen Covey in his book the seven habits of highly effective people, I learned that in order to achieve things in your life, you have to do them! Otherwise, you are always going to stay a dreamer!
So, if you want to build self-confidence with women, you have to go to the field and start meeting women and talking to them.
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