Most guys are going to think that flirting is a way of playing and having fun with a woman, well it’s not really that, flirting simply means being sexually playful and arousing sexual desires and interests in women.
This is what flirting is and you need to be aware that if you do not aim at arousing sexual desires and interests in women, you are simply not flirting!
So, let’s start with the best conversation starters to use when flirting with women.
The first one is the smile.
When I'm talking about conversation starters, I don't necessarily mean saying something! For example, smiling is one of the best conversation starters you can use with women, it’s not very difficult, and it will only require a little courage from you, but it’s very easy and women respond wonderfully to it.
So, this is how to use smiling as a conversation starter when flirting with a woman:
Simply establish eye contact with her and then smile a little, then keep eye contact with her until she looks away!
This is a very simple and effective conversation starter to ignite women's desire and interest in you.
The second conversation starter when flirting is to simply say hi!
But I don't mean here saying hi in the casual friendly way, what I mean here is looking at a woman for long time, smile at her and then say hi in a very slow and masculine way.
Your voice should be deep and resonant and you should keep eye contact for as long as necessary.
This is simply one of the easiest flirting conversation starters you can use with women, especially shy ones.
The third conversation starter is asking a stupid question.
Flirting is all about being playful and it’s all about creating a surprising effects!
When you surprise and astonish a woman in a positive way, she is going to immediately feel good about you, and this is what this conversation starter is going to do:
Simply smile at a woman and then ask her "why are you smiling at me?"
Trust me, most women will not be able to answer you and they will not be able to explain what is going on!
It’s because women will feel turned on when you ask them such a daring question.
These are the easiest flirting conversation starters, if you have other ones, please share them in a comment.
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