The first conversation starter for shy people is "where is...?"
This is the very first line I've started using with women and it works.
I've used it with women when I was very shy, and still use it from time to time, I learned it from a friend who was extremely shy as well, he would simply gather the courage to go ask beautiful women about obvious places, for example, we were once in the city center when he saw a very beautiful woman, he went to her and asked her "where is the nearest movie theater?"
He looked very nice and extremely neat, he told me that for women to be interested in you, you have to be interesting, you have to dress nicely and you have to look very good.
When he asked this question, the woman simply looked at him, smiled and told him where to head, he then told her that he was feeling very shy and he just wanted come talk to her!
I can't understand why, but women really like shy guys!
It may be because women hate players and think that shy guys are "pure" and friendly to hang out with.
Trust me, even now, when I'm not shy anymore, I still use this conversation starter, because it works and it will make women stop and talk to me very easily.
The second conversation starter for shy people is a smile.
If you are shy person, the best thing you can do is to start training your brain and body language to smiling, the more you smile at women and at people in general, the more sociable you are going to become and the more people are going to feel attracted to you.
Who wouldn't like a person who smiles genuinely and warmly!?
No one, we are all wired naturally to like people who smile and we all consider them safe, in fact, when women are attracted to guys, they are going to smile at them, and by smiling at women, even if you are shy, you are going to make yourself look attractive and friendly.
This means that when you approach them, you are not going to be rejected.
The third opening line is "hi, my name’s …, what’s your name?"
I know that this is probably the oldest conversation starter in the world, but it still works and if you approach women with a very open and warm smile, and especially if you look very nice and neat, they are going to smile back at you and talk to you for a little.
Even if women are not interested in you, they are going to smile back and say something like sorry or I'm busy now etc.
These are the perfect conversation starters shy people can use, if you know other ones, please share them in a comment, I really love to hear more and especially to try more.
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