So, if you use these funny conversation starters I'm going to provide to you in this post, women are going to feel great about you and are also going to find you both original and attractive, they will also enjoy your confidence.
The first funny conversation starter is an insult!
I know that this is going to shock you, but the following starter is amazing and extremely funny:
"Where did you buy this shirt, the Salvation Army?"
You can substitute the word shirt with anything you feel appropriate, anything she is wearing can be used, however, don't think that this is an insult, you should never use a rough body language and tone of voice, simply smile and sound as innocent as possible, one thing I really like to do is to go to extremely beautiful women and tell them that I really like a shirt or a bag they are wearing, most have already heard such opening lines and are going to think that I'm a lazy person, a loser! Then when I tell them this funny line, they would simply get surprised and will not understand what happened!
They will simply laugh and try to defend themselves by saying that it’s a designer shirt or vintage etc., the thing I would do is smile at them and keep on joking with them.
The second funny conversation starter to use with women is an offensive word?
I have a great example for you, I've used it numerous times with very beautiful women, however the one essential condition for using this funny opening line is that the woman must have a dog, you can think of other things to say, but this is the example I've been using a lot:
"What’s the bitch name?!"
Trust me, even if the woman is walking a male dog, she is going to get surprised and think that you've said an insult to her, but then simply tell her that you didn't notice that it was a male dog!
If the woman says something to you that means that she doesn't like your sense of humor, simply tell her this: "hey! Let's be friends!" And smile stupidly at her!
Women really enjoy such comments because it tells them how confident and self-assured you are.
And let me tell you that these two characteristics are extremely attractive to beautiful women.
The third funny starter to use with women is:
"Did you touch my ass?”
Whenever I go to a crowded place, a shop for example, I will ask women this question; however, don't overdo it in one place because women are simply going to "discover your game"!
These are the funniest conversation starters you can use with women, if you have other ones, please share them in a comment.