Friday, September 27, 2013

The funniest conversation starters you can use with beautiful women

There are many conversation starters you can use with women, most of them are never going to work because they are also used by thousands of other guys and women may have heard them probably hundreds of times!

The most successful conversation starters you can use with women are the ones that have not been used a lot, the original ones.

So, if you use these funny conversation starters I'm going to provide to you in this post, women are going to feel great about you and are also going to find you both original and attractive, they will also enjoy your confidence.

The first funny conversation starter is an insult!

I know that this is going to shock you, but the following starter is amazing and extremely funny:

"Where did you buy this shirt, the Salvation Army?"

You can substitute the word shirt with anything you feel appropriate, anything she is wearing can be used, however, don't think that this is an insult, you should never use a rough body language and tone of voice, simply smile and sound as innocent as possible, one thing I really like to do is to go to extremely beautiful women and tell them that I really like a shirt or a bag they are wearing, most have already heard such opening lines and are going to think that I'm a lazy person, a loser! Then when I tell them this funny line, they would simply get surprised and will not understand what happened!

They will simply laugh and try to defend themselves by saying that it’s a designer shirt or vintage etc., the thing I would do is smile at them and keep on joking with them.

The second funny conversation starter to use with women is an offensive word?

I have a great example for you, I've used it numerous times with very beautiful women, however the one essential condition for using this funny opening line is that the woman must have a dog, you can think of other things to say, but this is the example I've been using a lot:

"What’s the bitch name?!"

Trust me, even if the woman is walking a male dog, she is going to get surprised and think that you've said an insult to her, but then simply tell her that you didn't notice that it was a male dog!

If the woman says something to you that means that she doesn't like your sense of humor, simply tell her this: "hey! Let's be friends!" And smile stupidly at her!

Women really enjoy such comments because it tells them how confident and self-assured you are.

And let me tell you that these two characteristics are extremely attractive to beautiful women.

The third funny starter to use with women is:

"Did you touch my ass?”

Whenever I go to a crowded place, a shop for example, I will ask women this question; however, don't overdo it in one place because women are simply going to "discover your game"!

These are the funniest conversation starters you can use with women, if you have other ones, please share them in a comment.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to flirt with women using body language

One of the most interesting subjects to learn when it comes to attracting women is body language, in fact, if you do not know how to read her movements and gestures and how she uses her facial expressions, you are simply going to find a lot of troubles understanding her and communicating with her the right way!

Body language is extremely important when flirting with women, because most of our communication relies on it, and by not using the right gestures and expressions, you are going to rely too much on talk and it’s not the best technique for flirting with women!

In this post, you are going to learn about the right techniques to flirt with women using only body language.

The first technique is blinking!

Blinking is one of my most beloved techniques when it comes to flirting with women using body language, it’s because whenever I use it, women either giggle or smile, which is a great way to set her mood for liking me more and feeling great about me.

How to use blinking?

As the name suggests, blinking is related to the eyes, your eyes! Whenever you are flirting with a woman, simply look at her eyes and start blinking a little more rapidly while shining a little smile, to women, it simply means that you like them while being childish about it.

The second technique is to use smiling the right way.

This is also one of the most important techniques to flirting and it relies on waiting a little to smile.

Whenever we smile too early, we are simply conveying the wrong messages and impressions about our personalities and confidence.

It’s because the smile is a primary tool used when we are in front of a more dominant person, and trust me, women don't want you to be less dominant than them, that’s why when you are smiling early, you are simply killing your chances with them!

The best thing to do is to wait for her to tell something funny or something that you need to smile about, then look at her and wait about two seconds, then shine a nice smile.

Believe me, women are going to be surprised and dazzled by this technique because not many men are going to use it and you are going to demonstrate to her that you are more dominant and more powerful than her, and although this looks unethical, women enjoy being with our for men.

The last flirting technique to use with your body language is touching.

I'm not referring here exactly to touching, what I'm referring to here is "hitting"!

I really love and enjoy hitting women! In fact, whenever I'm with a very attractive woman, one of the first things I'm going to do is hitting her!

Don't read this and think that you need to give her bruises and black eyes! No! What I'm talking about here is hitting women gently in order to show them dominance and high self-esteem.

Only the most dominant and "stable" guys are going to be playful with women, and hitting is probably the most important form of being playful with them!

So, whenever you are talking and enjoying yourself together, simply start hitting her in the arm gently or on her hands whenever she does something naughty or whenever she says something you don't agree with.

You are going to notice that she is going to be surprised a little, and then she is going to giggle and even be nicer to you.

These are the most important techniques for flirting with women using your body language, if you know other ones; please share them with us in a comment.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The best places to meet local women

I really don't understand why some men will travel thousands of miles to meeting women, when they can just go to the other side of the street or just some few blocks where they leave to meet gorgeous and single local women!

This will always puzzle me and I just cannot understand why!

Meeting and dating local women is one of the easiest and simple things you can do, it will require some dedication at first and only some few dollars to do it.

However, there are many places to meet local women and most guys will tend to not be able to know what are the best to choose from and go to.

That’s why I'm going to show you only the most interesting places that are filled with beautiful and single local women you can meet.

The first best place to meet local women is your local supermarket.

I know that this is going to sound strange and cliché, but trust me, the local supermarket is where all local women are going to gather at five o'clock in order to buy groceries and other things they need!

And believe me when I tell you that most of these women are single and are looking for dates.

In fact, meeting local women at the supermarket is one of the easiest things you can do, you just go there at rush hours and start asking women about things, for example, ask them about the produce or something you want to buy and you do not know whether it’s a good bargain or not!

In other words, you have to provoke conversation with these women and then get their phone numbers.

The second place to meet them is the church.

Not just the church, any place for religious gathering is amazing at meeting women, because most of the people who are going to be there are from the area and may have come on footh, so, just start looking and noticing the woman you really like and then ask someone to introduce you.

I've done this many times and it’s one of the most simple and most effective ways to meet women.

The third place is your local hair salon.

You should not be afraid of going to places such as a hairsalon, in fact, more and more men are going there to care for their nails and hair, and trust me, women like guys who take good care of themselves, grooming and their physical appearance.

One of the best things you can do is start talking to women there and striking conversations with them, it’s not only going to relax you and make you spend quality time, these women are also going to help you find local women you can meet and date.

In fact, I consider this technique to be the best one in meeting and finding single local women, I've used it many times and it’s extremely effective, just strike a conversation with a woman and then let her ask you about your personal life, when you tell her that you are single, most women are going to propose to help you find dates.

These are the best places in my opinion to meeting and finding single local women, of course, there are other places like the gym, dating websites, parties, bars and clubs, classes etc., but these three places I've just mentioned are the simplest and most abundant with local women to date and meet.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to use eye contact when flirting with women

I've already written in numerous posts that the most important tool for flirting with women is the eyes, in fact, I cannot imagine or think of a better tool than using eye contact when flirting with women, it’s going to say all the right messages about you, however, to succeed using this amazing tool, you need to know the rules and if you are not aware of the right techniques to use it correctly, you are going to look like a stalker or a criminal!

The first thing you need to understand about using eye contact when flirting with women is to always be the man.

This is one of the most obvious things about flirting with women, however, most guys are simply going to ignore it and think that by hiding themselves and trying not to show their masculinity, women are going to accept them and be attracted to them!

So, let me make this clear to you: to flirt with women, you have to show your masculinity and manhood.

In fact, flirting is all about balancing powers, her feminine powers must be dominated by your masculine powers in order to make her feel attracted to you.

Stop believing all the BS you here about women in the media, it’s not true, women are not looking for a sensitive and "gentle" man, these traits are useful when you are in a relationship, however in dating, you need to show women that you are the man and that you can lead them and dominate them "healthy" and in the right way.

That’s why the most important message to convey to women when flirting is that you are the man.

You simply do this by maintaining eye contact as long as possible.

This will lead me to the second technique: smiling.

Eye contact without a hint of a smile is very dangerous for your success because it’s going to tell women that you are a potential criminal or someone who is not to be trusted!

However, if you use your eye contact with a small hint of a smile, women are going to feel great about you and they are also going to have great confidence in you.

So, simply smile a little when you are maintaining eye contact with women, you are going to appear very seductive and also extremely attractive.

The third technique is to never focus exclusively on her eyes!

By focusing only on her eyes, you are going to look like a criminal or a stalker, the best thing to do when flirting with women using your eyes is to first look right into their eyes and then look at their nose, face, cheeks, lips, neck, ears, upper lip etc.

Women have confessed this to me over and over, they told me that they feel so aroused when a man starts looking at their facial features this way, they cannot resist it!

This is all you need to know about using your eye contact when flirting with women, if you have a question or a comment, please post it in the form below.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to make eye contacts with women

I've said before that the best tool to attract women and make them have a great first impression of you is your eyes. Whenever you make eye contact with a woman the right way, she is going to feel highly attracted to you and she is going to want to know you more.

It’s because eye contact is going to communicate all the right things about you, your confidence, your self-esteem and most importantly your manly desires.

I'm sure that this is going to look strange, but women are interested in your masculine desires, in other words, your sexual desires towards her! If a woman feels that you are not fully interested in her, she will not like you a lot.

This means that you have to convey to women your desire and your intentions towards them, and the best tool you can use is your eyes.

However, making eye contact with women demands a lot of know-how, and most guys simply don't have it!

If you start applying the techniques I'm going to share with you in this post, you are going to have amazing success with women just through using your eye contact.

The first technique is to always focus on one woman.

I've had this problem before, I started making eye contact with as many women as possible and soon, I was looking stupid and no woman was caring about me.

It’s because women are going to notice whether you are interested in her or you are a "player", and trust me, one thing women hate is a player!

The moment you start playing around with your eyes, women are going to notice you and label you as a player, needless to tell you that your chance are going to get very small.

So, only focus on one woman in your interactions and eye contact.

The second technique is to not focus on the eyes.

Even though most guys and most articles on the internet tend to advise you to focus on women's eyes, I do not recommend this as this is not going to work.

If you keep maintaining your eye contact with women and only looking at their eyes, they will get scared of you and they will simply have a hard time knowing your true intentions.

It’s because many criminals and sick people are going to focus on the eyes as well, the best thing you can do is to start caressing women's facial parts with your eyes, for example, whenever you are maintaining eye contact, look at her ears, neck, lips, nose etc.

This way, women are going to feel that you are sexually interested in them and that you are trying to attract them and not a threat to them.

The third technique to make eye contact with women is to be playful.

If you maintain eye contact with a woman long enough, with the second technique in mind, you are going to attract her, but after some few minutes of doing this, you are going to look very boring and a bit suspicious, that’s why you need to apply this third technique as soon as possible.

Simply smile when you are making eye contact with a woman, it’s going to reassure her and tell her everything she needs to know about you and your intentions without ever talking to her.

The fourth technique is talking to the woman.

Eye contact alone is not going to make her attracted and crazy about you, you need to approach the woman and talk to her, in other words, you need to flirt with her and make her feel great about you.

After smiling and maintaining eye contact with a woman, your next move is to go talk to her and get her phone number.

Don't believe people telling you about their adventures and crazy things they did, most of them are liars, the best thing you can do is to simply get her phone number and try to get a date with her as soon as possible.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Four flirty conversation starters to use with beautiful women

There are many ways you can start conversations with women, but my favorite ones relies on using the flirty conversation starters you are going to read about, they are very fun and very pleasing as well, and please don't expect to find verbal sentences, this is not the case, most of flirting is done through body language and I'm going to show you a combination of conversation starters that are both flirty and extremely attractive to women.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The best conversation starters when texting girls

One of the most wonderful tools to use for flirting with women and making them attracted to you is your mobile phone, now with the ease-of-use of most smart phones and their abilities to make communication and texting extremely easy, most girls are going to use them to know more about you and even to test you.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The best books to learn how to talk to women

I didn't learn how to talk to women by myself, I had to meet a lot of people and a lot of women who showed me the best techniques and the best ways to not only talk to women successfully, but to also be the successful man I am today in many areas of my life!

I'm going to share with you some of the best books you can read in order to learn how to talk to women the right way.

Most of these books are extremely affordable and when you read them, you are definitely going to think that they are not meant to seducing women, but I had the same idea when I first heard of them, and when I started applying the advices in them, my life simply changed dramatically, for the better.

The first book to learn how to talk to women is: Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life.

This book really changed my life, it changes my way of communication and more importantly it changed how I listen to people.

Before reading this book, I simply thought that people were communicating out of lack of information and instincts, but through reading this book, I realized that every person has got to needs and things he needs satisfied, you can truly communicate deeply with people and create lasting relationships with them by knowing what their needs are!

This is not a book about manipulating people, it’s a book about realizing our human potential and realizing that we have needs and without these needs, we cannot be human!

I highly recommend that you read this book at least four times, don't care about talking to women unless you read this book because it will simply change your life for the better.

The second book on how to talk to women is: No More Mr. Nice Guy

I've really enjoyed reading this book, it is not only going to tell you about how to start becoming an attractive man, it’s also going to make you realize how much valuable you are and how women are interested in dating you.

What I feel is that by reading these two books, you are not only going to learn how to talk to women efficiently, you are also going to transform into a very attractive human being, forget about talking to women, these books are going to achieve this results very quickly, what you are going to get out of these books is lots of experiences, especially when it comes to communication.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Emotionally needy men, why they are not attractive to women?

One of the worst characteristics you can have as a man is being emotionally needy; it’s going to simply drive women away from you!

So, why are women not attracted to emotionally needy men!?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to meet christian women

I've read many posts and articles on the internet about meeting Christian women, and I know from fact that most of these posts are not practical and full of fluff!

That’s why I've decided to try to write the simplest and most extensive post in order to help you meet Christian women easily and successfully.

The first step to meeting your Christian woman is to take a pen and paper!

Trust me, everything must be planned before it’s executed, you should never leave something as serious as finding your soul mate to chance and luck!

In the paper, simply write down the things you would like to have in your Christian woman, her personality, her body features, her education, her height, her aspirations, her boobs, her faith etc.

You need to write as much details as possible, even eye color, everything should be written down!

It’s because when your mind starts having a clear vision of what you want, it will guide you and achieve it for you.

The second step is to start looking for your ideal Christian woman.

One of the simplest and most effective things to do in order to meet Christian women is to ask other Christian women to help you!

I did it myself many times and it’s simply one of the most successful and easiest techniques to meeting women, just ask Christian women you already know about other Christian women that are single and looking.

Trust me; this is going to get you amazing results very quickly.

In fact, women love to help their female friends find good guys.

The second step to meeting Christian women is to always look locally.

It’s absolutely stupid what most guys tend to do in order to meet women, they are going to travel far away and even go to foreign countries with different languages and cultures! Whereas there are absolutely thousands of single women waiting for them just a few miles from where they live!

So, the second most successful way to meeting Christian women is to look locally for them.

Don't miss church again, go to as many churches as possible even if it’s not Sunday, and look for any social events that are organized in there, you are going to find a huge number of single women there! It’s because they know that in a church, they are can meet a good and single Christian man too.

The third place to meet in single and beautiful Christian women is through the Internet.

You can pay less than thirty dollars a month and meet the most beautiful and available Christian women you can ever dream of, you just need these steps:

  1. Have great profile pictures, at least four

  2. Keep posting messages and e-mails to as many women as possible

  3. And the final step is to try to get phone numbers and call these women, it’s much better than typing in the computer!

When you are satisfied with a woman, simply ask to meet her in person, don't become an online dating site junkie, get her out of the Internet as soon as possible.

Now, let's talk about the most important step: how to seduce and talk to a Christian woman.

You must understand that all women are looking for one thing in a man: fun!

Don't believe what most women are going to tell you: that they are looking for a serious man! They are lying! They are simply looking for a fun and entertainer guy who can make them laugh and have a great time with.

That’s why one of the best things you can do is to improve your personality and become much more fun to be with and start reading fun magazines and watching standup comedians, they are simply one of the best things to increase your humor and your social abilities.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Best way to tease a girl

Most guys think that attracting girls is just about saying the right words! But this is totally false, to attract girls you have to be special and you will need to learn how do the right thing when they are with you!

One of the best techniques you can use to attract a girl is to tease her!

However, most guys are not going to have any clue on what to do in order to tease a girl the right way!

So, in this post, you are going to learn the best techniques on how to tease girls the right way.

The first tip you need to understand about teasing girls is that it must be fun.

I still remember when I was just learning how to attract girls that one of my most used techniques was to get angry at everything girls used to tell me, I thought that being unpredictable and angry was going to work!

However, with time, I learned that the best technique to attract girls is to be playful with them and to always try to have as much fun as possible, in other words, to not give a S***.

This is the most important thing you have to understand about teasing he a girl, it’s because sometimes what you are going to try is not going to work and as such, girls are going to ignore and even get angry with what you say, so if you take things playfully and think to yourself that you are just having fun, you are going to have massive success with them because you are simply going to bounce back rapidly.

The second tip you should apply when teasing girls is to use as much body language as possible.

This is probably the most important step because if you stop using your body language, girls are simply going to ignore you!

I learned this the hard way because at first, I simply thought that girls are attracted to words and if I only knew and use the right pickup line or the right sentence, girls would feel impressed and highly attracted to me!

But this is not the truth; girls are attracted to guys who can use their body language perfectly.

In order for you to use the right body language when teasing girls, you just have to keep these tips in mind:

Always establish eye contact and always be flirty and playful with girls, have some fun and relax, don't be tense.

Now, let's talk about the best way to tease a girl.

It’s to play scenarios with her.

One of the most important techniques for teasing girls is role-playing, I also call it scenario playing, you just need to think that she is a character and you are a totally different character and then start playing with her.

I know that this idea is going to sound too complex and too difficult to do, but it’s really very simple to understand, here is how to do is:

For example, I once teased a girl by asking her " If you were a Mafia boss, what would we do? Who would you want to wack?” she started looking at me strangely and I started pushing her to brainstorm ideas, then we started role-playing and I started talking in a very bad and strange Italian accent!

Needless to tell you that she was laughing a lot and she enjoyed spending time with me.

Of course, there are other ways to tease girls, but this one is the most successful in my opinion.

The next way is to look them right in the eyes and speak in a totally different language.

Do this for an extended period of time, no matter how hard they stop you or want you to change the language, always keep talking to them until they got fed up with you!

However, this will only work if you know a language that she doesn't, you can even mimic speaking French to her!

These techniques may look rude or somehow strange, but you have to understand that girls are bored all the time and whenever you start talking and teasing them these ways, they are going to have fun with you and they are going to see you as totally different and attractive, and not like the rest of guys.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

How to approach and flirt with women

Approaching and flirting with a woman is truly one of the most difficult things you can do when trying to find dates, however, if you use the techniques I'm going to show you, it’s going to become a very easy process.

Before I start, I need to warn you: you need to understand that most guys are going to doubt these techniques and are even going to say that they will not work, but trust me, you cannot judge a book by its cover, you need to apply them and use them as many times as possible because your body language and self-esteem are also extremely important for making them work.

That’s why the best thing you can do after reading this post is to go approach and flirt with as many women as possible.

The first step is approaching women.

Before learning about flirting, you have to know about the basics of approaching women.

Most guys are going to think that they are going to bring hot chicks to their house or apartment from the very first moments of meeting them, they are going to think that this is going to be so easy and that women are going to fall in love with them just be using one simple technique!

This will not work, what I'm going to suggest to you is to use a two-step process, the first step is about approaching women, and the next one is about seducing them and flirting with them, that’s where the real fun begins!

So, how to approach women the right way?

Well, there is only one successful way you can use to approach women, and that’s to approach them!

The majority of guys are going to keep reading about techniques and ideas for approaching women without trying them or giving them a chance, and then they are going to say that they are not going to work!

This is BS!

The best way to approach a woman is to approach her in the first place!

Believe it or not, your body language and your brain are going to take charge of everything and you are simply going to have great success without even being aware of it.

Now, let's face the harsh truth, before being successful at approaching women, you will need to suffer fear a little, this is the part that most guys hate, but it’s obviously one of the most important ones in your dating life, because if you do not approach women, you can never have success with them!

So my advice to you is to approach as many women as possible, and the minimum of women you need to approach a week is 20!

I'm sure that this number is going to look frightening and difficult to achieve, but it’s doable!

You just have to manage your time well, for example, when I first started learning about approaching women, I started by approaching five women a day. I really do not care about what you are going to say, just compliment them or say hi to them, that’s all you will need to do, five women a day is not that difficult to achieve, and at the end of the week, you would have approached at least thirty!

Trust me, after just a few weeks of trying this technique, you are going to become a very savvy and self-confident guy.

Now, let's talk about the best way to approach women in order to have success with them very quickly.

It’s to first establish eye contact and then smile, I'm not asking you to smile "obviously" and dumbly, what I want you to do is to have a very small and confident smile, don't show all your teeth!

Then, simply count to three and go approach her, introduce yourself and tell her that you find her very beautiful and attractive, this may look like a very stupid trick, but it works with 99.9% of women!

The next step after approaching a woman is flirting with her.

You will need two things: her phone number and your self-confidence!

After approaching her, simply give her a pen and paper and ask her to write her phone number, then leave!

When you get home and you are feeling comfortable call her that same night and simply chat with her and get a date with her as soon as possible.

Trust me, you will not look desperate and women love it when men are proactive.

The most fun part is talking to her and flirting with her.

These are the most important techniques you have to use when you are flirting with a woman:

Try to listen to her as much as possible, then be cocky with her and why not make fun of her table manners, you need to be very careful not to hurt her and only tease her a little, in fact, flirting is highly interlinked with teasing.

This is how you approach and flirt with a woman.

Friday, September 6, 2013

How to meet beautiful women easily

There are many techniques you can meet beautiful women, but most of these are going to require you spending a lot of time , a lot of money and a lot of efforts , and the results are not always guaranteed!

However, if you apply the following steps you are going to find in this post, you are not only going to have great success with the ladies, you are also going to have a lot of fun.

The first step to meeting beautiful women is to become attractive!

Most guys are going to ignore this section and jump to the next one, do not do it!

It’s very important for you to become highly attractive and to give women reasons to not reject you and give you their phone numbers!

The most important step in order to becoming more attractive is to start caring about your outer physical appearance.

Don't wear too many colors, don't wear sport shoes when going out to meet women, wear nice clothes and great jeans, put on an attractive cologne, and take good care of your hair and face, they are the first areas women are going to notice about you.

If you care about your physical appearance, you are going to become exceptionally attractive and women are going to have a reason for talking to you.

The second step is to know where to go.

You need to know where you can meet beautiful women easily and without a lot of competition from other men.

Here are the best places I recommend for meeting them:

  1. Bars

  2. Clubs

  3. Salad bars

  4. Department stores

  5. Gyms

  6. The mall

  7. Whole foods store

  8. And my favorite one is online.

When you start spending time in these places, you are going to meet beautiful women, you will just need to learn how to approach them and talk to them the right way, which is what I'm going to discuss in the next step.

How to approach and talk to beautiful women?

The reality is that approaching strangers is always going to be accompanied with a lot of anxiety, that’s why I'm going to give you these amazing affirmations to say whenever you are trying to approach beautiful women, they are simply going to drive away the bad thoughts from your mind.

But before, I need to give you one important tool for approaching beautiful women:

Do it within the first three seconds of seeing her!

If you simply wait more than three seconds, you are going to have lots of troubles and you are not going to be able to approach women because your mind is going to simply overload you with fears and anxiety.

So, don't wait and approach them as soon as possible, here are the affirmations to use to shutting down the negative emotions and thoughts in your mind:

  1. 1.       I am an attractive guy, I am a successful guy.

  2. 2.       Women are naturally attracted to me.

These are the most important affirmations to say whenever you are trying to approach beautiful women, just close your mouth and say them to yourself over and over, then simply go to a woman and ask her a question, just ask her about something she is wearing or a drink she is having.

The most important thing here is to start a conversation with her, it’s the only effort you need to do for the moment.

It’s the most frightening part and if you do it right, everything else is going to be extremely simple.

The final step to meeting beautiful women is getting their phone numbers.

If you don't get her phone number, you are simply going to waste your time and hers as well.

After talking to her for some few seconds, take your mobile phone and give it to her, then ask her to type her phone number.

Once you have her phone number call her that same evening to make sure she remembers you, then call her some two days later and set up a date with her.

This is how you can meet gorgeous women easily and successfully.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

How to flirt with women online

Online dating is probably the easiest method for finding beautiful women who are really looking for men and who won’t reject you! But the problem is that most guys tend to forget that they will need to have the same consistency and apply the same techniques that would work off-line to attract women.

In other words, you have to try and apply yourself in order to flirt with women online!

The most important thing to remember when dating women online is that you need to flirt with them as much as possible, in fact, flirting is the only thing you can do in order to attract them, because online they will not see your body language and feel your natural attraction, that’s why it’s very difficult to seduce them without knowing how to flirt with them the right way.

The first technique to flirting with women online is to rely on teasing.

This is probably the most important step towards attracting women online, if you are flirting with them but not teasing them, then it’s not flirting at all!

Flirting with women online is simply playing with them and making them laugh, and trust me, you will not make women laugh by telling them jokes or work anecdotes, you can only make them laugh by teasing them and by acting cocky with them.

How to tease women online?

I have to say that this is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm going to give you some techniques and phrases I use when I'm flirting with the ladies online:

  1. "type faster!"

  2. "Are you a man?"

  3. "What are you eating?"

  4. "wussup!"

  5. "Type slowly!"

These expressions are very easy to remember and are also extremely useful for striking a flirty conversation with a woman, I use them whenever I'm really attracts to a woman because if I start telling her sweet and nice things, she will not like me!

That’s why I use these expressions whenever I'm flirting, they are really wonderful, and please, don't underestimate them, I've used them over and over with very beautiful women and they create a connection that’s based on teasing and fun, which is the aim of flirting with women.

The trick here is to always try to command women and tease them for whatever they are saying, for example, one woman was typing so fast that she made a spelling mistake, well , I corrected her fearlessly while having lots of fun doing it, I kept teasing her about her grammar and spelling etc. the aim is to have fun and make her laugh.

However, when flirting with women on the Internet, you have to be a little nice to them, don't exaggerate and don't tease them mercilessly, they will hate you for it and they will consider you a jerk, what you need to do is have fun with them, tease them a little and then listen to them and share with them.

The second step to flirting with women online is to get them off-line!

I'm not going to lie to you, online dating is doomed!

It’s because when you are trying to flirt with her, you are not given the best tools! You are only given your fingers to type with, and trust me, it’s not the best thing to do!

That’s why I really push women to meet me off-line as soon as possible, in a coffee shop or in the street, I flirt with them online and whenever I feel that they are comfortable with me, I would ask them for their phone number, then, I would start talking to them on the telephone and after only some few calls, I will push them to meet off-line.

This is by far the best thing you can do in order to create a lasting attraction with a woman, if you stay online many hours talking to her, you will become a zombie, she would never meet you and you will lose all chances of meeting a real woman.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Women body language – can eyes lie?

I've read many articles and posts about understanding women body language in which it was stated that the eyes of women can never lie about their attraction or their opinions of you!

I have a different opinion, throughout my experiences and my experiments with understanding women's body language, I came to understand that women are extremely tricky and ingenious when it comes to seduction and using body language to "manipulate" men!

So, women's eyes can lie when it comes to showing their emotions and feelings.

However, if you master the following techniques to reading their eye movements, you are simply not going to be deceived because 99.9% of women are going to do specific eye contact tricks whenever they want to lie to you.

This means that if you pay careful attention, you would never be deceived by women when it comes to relationships and their opinions of you.

Our body language is the most important tool we have for communication, and believe me when I tell you that 99.9% of people do not know how to use it! That’s why these techniques I'm going to share with you are excellent for detecting when women are lying to you through their eye contact and through their body language.

First of all, if you are interested in reading more about body language and especially eye contact, I highly recommend that you check out this webpage: I've read it many times and I have to say that the information are extremely precise and helpful.

The first eye movement you really need to focus on when talking to women is a direct one.

When women are telling you about their feelings while looking directly at you, they are not being truthful to you!

It’s because women are emotional creatures, that’s why they are simply going to either look to the ground or look to the clouds when they are talking about their emotions and especially when it comes to love and attraction.

It’s because when women are looking to the ground, their eyes are expressing shyness and discomfort, and trust me, even the most daring women are going to feel discomforted when talking about their positive emotions. The second eye movement, looking to the clouds, is typical of younger women because they are associating their emotions with pictures of you together.

When a woman is talking about her emotions for you in a positive way, she is going to imagine you together.

And whenever we are talking and imagining things, our eyes are going to be directed to the clouds.

The second eye is looking sideways.

Whenever we look sideways, we are simply trying to remember sounds and trust me, when women are talking to you about their emotions and feelings while looking sideways, they are simply trying to figure out how to lie to you, it’s because our thoughts are simply an internal dialogue with ourselves, and women need to hear their brains "speaking" the words in order to use them when talking and especially when lying to you.

However, there are some women who are going to look sideways when they are telling the truth, I have never met them, but a friend of mine once told me about some women being able to do this, I simply do not believe it, however, sometimes when women are excited about you, they may look sideways but briefly when talking about their emotions for you.

These are the most important eye body language features women will do when they are lying to you, pay close attention to them and you will never be deceived by what they are going to say or do.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Deep and meaningful questions to ask a girl

There are many questions you can ask girls, however, the ones I'm going to share with you in this post are the most meaningful that are not only going to make girls highly interested in you, they are also going to make you memorable to them.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Five body language love signals

In this post, I'm going to give you the five most obvious body language love signals that both men and women are going to make, if you master reading these signals, you are going to become much more aware of what’s happening near you and you will also have control on your desires and most importantly, you are going to learn about how other people are feeling about you.

"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.