However, most guys are not going to have any clue on what to do in order to tease a girl the right way!
So, in this post, you are going to learn the best techniques on how to tease girls the right way.
The first tip you need to understand about teasing girls is that it must be fun.
I still remember when I was just learning how to attract girls that one of my most used techniques was to get angry at everything girls used to tell me, I thought that being unpredictable and angry was going to work!
However, with time, I learned that the best technique to attract girls is to be playful with them and to always try to have as much fun as possible, in other words, to not give a S***.
This is the most important thing you have to understand about teasing he a girl, it’s because sometimes what you are going to try is not going to work and as such, girls are going to ignore and even get angry with what you say, so if you take things playfully and think to yourself that you are just having fun, you are going to have massive success with them because you are simply going to bounce back rapidly.
The second tip you should apply when teasing girls is to use as much body language as possible.
This is probably the most important step because if you stop using your body language, girls are simply going to ignore you!
I learned this the hard way because at first, I simply thought that girls are attracted to words and if I only knew and use the right pickup line or the right sentence, girls would feel impressed and highly attracted to me!
But this is not the truth; girls are attracted to guys who can use their body language perfectly.
In order for you to use the right body language when teasing girls, you just have to keep these tips in mind:
Always establish eye contact and always be flirty and playful with girls, have some fun and relax, don't be tense.
Now, let's talk about the best way to tease a girl.
It’s to play scenarios with her.
One of the most important techniques for teasing girls is role-playing, I also call it scenario playing, you just need to think that she is a character and you are a totally different character and then start playing with her.
I know that this idea is going to sound too complex and too difficult to do, but it’s really very simple to understand, here is how to do is:
For example, I once teased a girl by asking her " If you were a Mafia boss, what would we do? Who would you want to wack?” she started looking at me strangely and I started pushing her to brainstorm ideas, then we started role-playing and I started talking in a very bad and strange Italian accent!
Needless to tell you that she was laughing a lot and she enjoyed spending time with me.
Of course, there are other ways to tease girls, but this one is the most successful in my opinion.
The next way is to look them right in the eyes and speak in a totally different language.
Do this for an extended period of time, no matter how hard they stop you or want you to change the language, always keep talking to them until they got fed up with you!
However, this will only work if you know a language that she doesn't, you can even mimic speaking French to her!
These techniques may look rude or somehow strange, but you have to understand that girls are bored all the time and whenever you start talking and teasing them these ways, they are going to have fun with you and they are going to see you as totally different and attractive, and not like the rest of guys.
Can you suggest some good movies to watch with a girl? Thanks a lot man
ReplyDeleteHi Adam, there are of course many great movies to watch with women, the most interesting to me is Titanic, Kate Winslet is awsome and very sexy. It made women in the right mood for affection and romance.