The first thing you have to understand about the best questions to ask a girl on a date is that the more you talk, the more you are going to make yourself vulnerable!
Girls are going to keep listening to you and they are going to interrupt you and ask you more questions about yourself and you are going to have a difficult time and may even find troubles when talking to them and soon you are going to find yourself out of topics to talk about.
That’s why I highly recommend that whenever you ask girls these questions on a date, start listening to them and encourage them to talk more.
The first question to ask a girl on a date is "tell me more about you".
Trust me, this is the most important question to ask a girl on a date, it’s going to make her truly interested in you because you are going to look interesting to her and you are going to make her the priority in your dates.
And one more thing, whenever you are trying to make girls interested in you, always encourage them to talk about themselves.
This is probably one of the most important questions to ask girls because it’s going to make you look extremely attractive and interesting.
The second question is "are you a dog or a cat person?"
I know that this sounds like a lame question, but trust me, only guys who are exceptionally self-confident and who are truly interested in a person are going to ask such a question.
It’s going to make girls giggle and start talking about their preferences and things they really like about a certain animal, a great thing would be to ask them about animals from their childhood, this will be a great opportunity for you to know about what things they love to talk about and what topics are emotional to them.
However, don't think that asking this question is going to reveal her personality to you, if you do not encourage her to talk more and ask her about her preferences and the reasons why she chose an animal over the other, you are simply going to look lame and exceptionally boring!
Now, let's talk about the third question, which is probably one of the most important ones: "how do you imagine yourself in ten years from now?"
Trust me, this is probably one of the most intriguing and emotional questions you can ask a girl on a date, it’s going to make her extremely vulnerable and it’s going to give her a lot of materials and a lot of things to talk about.
Meanwhile, you should look extremely interested in her and you should keep asking her about her life and certain situations she is talking about.
After some five minutes, ask her about a little detail, for example, if she tells you that she wants to become a cook, ask her about recipes she can make now, the aim is to elaborate and make her talk about herself as much as possible!
Trust me, you will not regret asking this question to a girl because she is going to have to prove herself to you and she will have to win you over her ideas and desires.
And whenever you make yourself the judge, girls are going to like you and they are going to find you more interesting and more fun to be with.
The fourth question to ask a girl on a date is "who are your best friends?
Again, this is probably one of the most interesting questions to ask a girl, it’s going to reveal her to you more and it’s going to tell you more about her preferences and things she really enjoy in people, when she starts talking about her best friends, simply listen to her and keep asking her about the reasons why she chose them.
These are the best questions to ask a girl on a date, if you have a question or comments, please post them below.
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