One of the most horrible things that can happen to a relationship is you becoming extremely needy around your girlfriend, it does not only mean that you are going to lose her soon, it also means that you are going to have a painful breakup and even cheating!!
It’s true, most needy boyfriends are not going to have a peaceful breakup, they are going to have extremely frustrating and painful events because of their neediness, and most of them are going to find themselves cheated on at the end!
That’s why one of the most important things you can do is to get rid of any neediness to words women and help yourself evolve and become a better man, in other words, you have to stop being a dependent man and become an independent person.
The first characteristic of a needy boyfriend is requiring too much attention.

This is just unacceptable because you are a human being after all and you have got your own needs and problems! Stop caring about other people and start caring about yourself first; it’s the best way for you to stop being a needy boyfriend.
The next trait of a needy boyfriend is being a yes man!
In other words, not daring to say no to her!
This is probably one of the worst things you can do in a relationship, because it will simply kill your self-esteem and self-confidence and no matter what you are going to do, you are always going to find yourself stuck with her angry mood and mean manners!
Because girls simply don't "just" feel satisfied when you say yes to them, however, they will hate you if you say no to them, that’s why you are going to find yourself into lots of troubles very quickly with her.
The best thing you can do is to start learning to say no to her!
The third characteristic is asking for love and proof of love.
In other words, you are either saying too much "I love you" or "I miss you" and you are always asking her to prove her love and tell you that she loves you and cares for you!
This is absolutely ridiculous because you cannot force someone to confess their love, and by saying "I love you" to another person, you are not going to help the relationship, the best thing you can do is to shut up and let things flow the normal way, don't express your feelings, let them show in your actions and kindness.
The fourth characteristic is not being able to stand for yourself.
Whenever she starts accusing and blaming you and you cannot stand for yourself because you think that if you do, you are going to hurt her, then you are in a lot of troubles!
Learn to stand for and defend yourself, the worst thing she can do is leave you, in reality, it is the best thing for you.
The fifth one is being emotionally weak .
This characteristic of a needy boyfriend is an extension to the last one, if you are emotionally weak, you are going to be afraid of losing her and spending the rest of your life alone!
Unfortunately, this is one of the most recurring feeling needy boyfriends experience, they think that if they say no to her they are going to end their lives alone!
Trust me, there are nearly 4 billion women in this world, more than half of them are single and are looking for a boyfriend, and if you decide to get stuck with a nasty "bitchy" girlfriend, then you are to blame!
The sixth characteristic of a needy boyfriend is making too many efforts to make things work.
I did the same when I was just starting to learn how to attract women, whenever I was in a relationship, I would simply " try" and make too many efforts to improve the situation and make her accept me and feel happy about me, in other words, to make the relationship work!
This is a sure way to kill your chances of success with her and trust me, women enjoy men with flaws and defects, to them, these men are natural and real!
However, if you do not let her accept your flaws, then why are you with her!?
Don't do it, instead, be yourself and enjoy your life, if she doesn't want to stay with you, then the door is always open and she can leave whenever she wants.
The last characteristic of a needy boyfriend is accepting second-rate behavior from her!
She may shout or hang up on you and she may even hurt you or insult you and you will always feel that you should stand beside her and never leave her because you are a man of principles!
Well, let me tell you this: man of principles and who cannot stand for themselves are losers!
It’s true, principles are great and are going to help you stay on your course and respectful to other people, but keeping quiet because you are afraid of losing someone is not the greatest principle, and you should get rid of it as soon as possible.
The most important thing you need to understand here is that if you are always trying to avoid problems and crises in your relationship, you are going to have a lot of them, however, if you are trying to have fun and share a great experience with another person, you need to accept your flaws and you should never accept ill behaviors from her!
These are the most important characteristics to know whether you are a needy boyfriend or not, if you have questions and comments, please post them below, I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.
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