Whenever you are with a girl, if you do not ask her personal questions, she is going to feel bored and she is not going to like spending more time with you!
It’s because people love to talk about themselves and especially girls, in fact, the one thing girls would like to always talk about is themselves and their problems, especially when they are young, that’s why you have to always ask them personal questions about their lives and interests, it’s one of the most interesting things for them to talk about.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
21 questions to ask a girl
There are many questions you can ask girls, but I doubt that they will be as deep and as attractive as these 21 questions, I really spent a lot of hours and a lot of efforts thinking about these and how they can impact your relationship and your communication with the girl you like.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Three amazing skills that impress women
There are many skills that are going to impress women, but few are going to have the smashing effects as these three skills I'm going to share with you, they are absolutely fantastic to not only impress women, but to also make them highly enthusiastic about meeting you again.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Are there really any free dating sites?
One of the best ways to meet women without suffering from rejection or anxiety is to use the internet, in fact, there are more thousands of dating websites that will help you do this, most are paid, but some of them are going to claim that they are completely free!
So, are there really any free dating sites?
First of all, let me tell you about my experience with dating sites and dating women online:
I've been using the internet to find dates for more than six years now and I know from fact that it’s one of the best tools to not only get a date very quickly, but to also establish deep report and deep connection with a woman before ever meeting her face to face.
However, there is one claim some websites are going to do, it’s that they are completely free!
However, from my experience, there are no free dating websites in the internet!
How's that?
Most of you have already seen some advertisements of websites claiming to be totally free and you may have even subscribed to one of them, some of you will even post adds and pictures, however most of these free websites are going to ask you one day or another to pay either using your credit card or in some other different ways.
However, the most used method for paying is through marketing, they are simply going to sell your personal information, such as your e-mail address, phone number, home address and even workplace to different brands and different marketing firms that are simply going to bombard you with their advertisements; this is how they are going to make money!
So, in the end there are no totally free dating sites!
What I really don't like is that some of these websites are so eager to attract new "prospects" that they are going to fake profiles!
What I mean by this is that they are going to hire people from third world countries cheaply to post pictures and profiles of "hot and available" women near you!
And the worst thing is that they are going to keep these profiles alive and they are going to keep you attached to their websites by sending you messages and alerts of "hot and available" women being interested in your profile, so you will visit their website over and over with false hopes and at the same time clicking their advertisements!
The best thing I can recommend for you is to pay!
The most successful dating sites are not the free ones, and it’s for a simple reason: free dating websites are full of dudes and scammers, however, if you want real success with women, real women, on the internet, you need to do as I did in the past, you must pay for it.
I spent less than fifty dollars in order to find my current girlfriend, and for me it was a real bargain, because the website I subscribed to was highly monitored and they were analyzing and watching over profiles that were doubtful.
This is what you do not get when you choose a free dating site, it’s going to waste your time and cause you lots of headaches.
So in the end, there are no really free dating sites on the internet, you need to stop fantasizing about meeting your soul mate freely, it’s not going to happen on the internet!
So, are there really any free dating sites?
First of all, let me tell you about my experience with dating sites and dating women online:

However, there is one claim some websites are going to do, it’s that they are completely free!
However, from my experience, there are no free dating websites in the internet!
How's that?
Most of you have already seen some advertisements of websites claiming to be totally free and you may have even subscribed to one of them, some of you will even post adds and pictures, however most of these free websites are going to ask you one day or another to pay either using your credit card or in some other different ways.
However, the most used method for paying is through marketing, they are simply going to sell your personal information, such as your e-mail address, phone number, home address and even workplace to different brands and different marketing firms that are simply going to bombard you with their advertisements; this is how they are going to make money!
So, in the end there are no totally free dating sites!
What I really don't like is that some of these websites are so eager to attract new "prospects" that they are going to fake profiles!
What I mean by this is that they are going to hire people from third world countries cheaply to post pictures and profiles of "hot and available" women near you!
And the worst thing is that they are going to keep these profiles alive and they are going to keep you attached to their websites by sending you messages and alerts of "hot and available" women being interested in your profile, so you will visit their website over and over with false hopes and at the same time clicking their advertisements!
The best thing I can recommend for you is to pay!
The most successful dating sites are not the free ones, and it’s for a simple reason: free dating websites are full of dudes and scammers, however, if you want real success with women, real women, on the internet, you need to do as I did in the past, you must pay for it.
I spent less than fifty dollars in order to find my current girlfriend, and for me it was a real bargain, because the website I subscribed to was highly monitored and they were analyzing and watching over profiles that were doubtful.
This is what you do not get when you choose a free dating site, it’s going to waste your time and cause you lots of headaches.
So in the end, there are no really free dating sites on the internet, you need to stop fantasizing about meeting your soul mate freely, it’s not going to happen on the internet!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
How to make small talk with women
Making small talk with women is not only a nice and pleasant thing, it’s a necessity! If you do not make small talk with them, you are simply going to bore them and they are going to run away from you as soon as possible.
The best advice I can give you when it comes to talking to women is to always make things short and smooth, if you do not apply this advice, you are simply going to waste your time and end up depressed about your performance with the ladies.
So, the best advice to making small talk with women is to always make them talk about themselves.
Whenever you start talking to a woman, your first priority is to engage and stimulate her in order to talk about herself more. If you learn only this one simple tip, you will become certainly the most attractive and most interesting man in the world!
Because women love and enjoy talking about themselves, if you do not make them talk about themselves more, they are going to simply feel strange and not comfortable when they are with you.
That’s why one of my best strategies for making small talk with women is to always ask them questions like these:
I know that these questions are going to look lame to most of you, but trust me, they are not only going to make women highly interested in you, they are also going to make them feel comfortable and wanting to know you more, this will lower flaking and will also make them want to meet and talk to you again.
The second advice on making small talk with women is to always keep your mouth shut!
I don't mean here that you should never talk to them, but whenever a woman starts talking, you need to start listening!
This is one of the most important advice to making small talk with women, it’s because they are always looking for excitements and fun things to do, and what is more fun than talking about yourself!?
That’s why I highly recommend that you start paying close attention to what you are saying and remember that women are emotional beings, so, if you keep their emotions and their desires busy, they are going to associate you with a feeling of comfort and wonderful emotional bursts.
The next advice is to avoid talking about technical stuff.
When I was just starting to learn about meeting women, one of the topics I always talked about was cars and computers, especially video games, no need to tell you that women were extremely disappointed by me and were in fact always looking for a better date than me, sometimes, I would not hear from a woman after meeting her and I would find out later that she is seeing another guy who is not as handsome and as intelligent as myself!
It’s because women get bored very quickly and whenever you start bringing up topics that are too technical and too rational, they are not going to like them and are going to associate you with a feeling of boredom.
That’s why you have to learn about the best topics to talk to women and to always think about what you are saying to them and how to make your small talk with them even better.
These are the best advice in order to have interesting and sexy small talk with women, always apply them and never try to be technical with women, and remember, always listen to them more than you talk, they will like you and enjoy your company more.

So, the best advice to making small talk with women is to always make them talk about themselves.
Whenever you start talking to a woman, your first priority is to engage and stimulate her in order to talk about herself more. If you learn only this one simple tip, you will become certainly the most attractive and most interesting man in the world!
Because women love and enjoy talking about themselves, if you do not make them talk about themselves more, they are going to simply feel strange and not comfortable when they are with you.
That’s why one of my best strategies for making small talk with women is to always ask them questions like these:
- Tell me more about yourself?
- What are your aspirations?
- What is your favorite music?
- Do you like dogs?
- Did you grow up here?
- If you had unlimited money where would you like to live?
I know that these questions are going to look lame to most of you, but trust me, they are not only going to make women highly interested in you, they are also going to make them feel comfortable and wanting to know you more, this will lower flaking and will also make them want to meet and talk to you again.
The second advice on making small talk with women is to always keep your mouth shut!
I don't mean here that you should never talk to them, but whenever a woman starts talking, you need to start listening!
This is one of the most important advice to making small talk with women, it’s because they are always looking for excitements and fun things to do, and what is more fun than talking about yourself!?
That’s why I highly recommend that you start paying close attention to what you are saying and remember that women are emotional beings, so, if you keep their emotions and their desires busy, they are going to associate you with a feeling of comfort and wonderful emotional bursts.
The next advice is to avoid talking about technical stuff.
When I was just starting to learn about meeting women, one of the topics I always talked about was cars and computers, especially video games, no need to tell you that women were extremely disappointed by me and were in fact always looking for a better date than me, sometimes, I would not hear from a woman after meeting her and I would find out later that she is seeing another guy who is not as handsome and as intelligent as myself!
It’s because women get bored very quickly and whenever you start bringing up topics that are too technical and too rational, they are not going to like them and are going to associate you with a feeling of boredom.
That’s why you have to learn about the best topics to talk to women and to always think about what you are saying to them and how to make your small talk with them even better.
These are the best advice in order to have interesting and sexy small talk with women, always apply them and never try to be technical with women, and remember, always listen to them more than you talk, they will like you and enjoy your company more.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Four simple things that impress women
Whenever I ask guys about how they can impress women, they will either tell me that I should buy a great looking car or spend a lot of money, of course, I will also hear a lot of other rubbish, like: bodybuilding, rapping, being a criminal etc. Of course, these are not going to work at impressing women.
Although women look very shallow and superficial, the reality is that they are not, they are going to focus on important characteristics and traits in you in order to feel great about you, if they don't find them, they are going to move on!
I'm going to share with you four simple things that impress women every time, I promise you that if you try them, you are going to look a million times better.
The first thing that impresses women is secrecy.
I was once sitting in a restaurant with a friend of mine and next to us was a couple, they looked like they had just started dating, well, the guy was talking about his cars, his money his job etc.
The woman wasn't impressed the least!
I'm sure that this guy was a rich dude, he had very nice clothes and seemed to be extremely savvy, but when he started bragging about things he owns, his value started decreasing.
And let me tell you that even if you really are what you are publicizing to be, women are not going to be impressed by it, that’s why the more secretive you are the more women are going to be impressed by you.
For example, I really enjoy playing the lute, if you don't know what a lute is, you can check it on YouTube, it’s a very attractive musical instrument to learn.
Even if I somehow can play this musical instrument well, I do not publicize it to everyone, and I will rarely tell women about my musical skills, however, when women come to my house, the next thing they are going to see next to my Xbox is my lute, and women are always going to ask me about it and what I can do with it.
I will be very cocky and arrogant about it and then I will play for some few minutes.
Women go crazy for a man whom they don't know totally, the less they know about you the more they will want to stay to learn more, if you reveal everything from the very first moments, they are going to have less "thrill" to know more about you in the future.
The second thing that impresses women is honesty.
This is where most guys are going to have the biggest troubles; they are going to think that because women need to be impressed, they should come out with anything to impress them!
I had some friends who would say anything to women in order to get them in bed, for example they will tell women that they have exotic animals at home or that they have a certain Japanese tattoo in the body etc. whereas it’s all lies!
Don't do it, you will look weak and it will break down your credibility forever with her.
When a woman asks me about something I don't have or I'm not sure about, I will tell her the truth, I'm not trying to win her or brag about who I am, I'm only having fun and minding my own business.
The third thing that impresses women is being a great lover.
I simply cannot believe how many guys are going to learn about women and make all the efforts to seduce them and when the time comes for the action, they will fail miserably!!!
This is not permissible at all, you have to master the fine art of pleasuring a woman, if you refuse this idea, then you should not date women at all!
You will need two things in order to become a great lover, a great teacher and awareness.
Look no more, I've got the greatest teacher that will make you learn all the best secrets and techniques to pleasuring a woman, this teacher is a book I really love, it’s called: she comes first, it’s one of the best books you can read on the subject.
As far as awareness is concerned, you will need to have this advice in mind all the time when you are with women:
The fourth thing that impresses women is being a listener.
I cannot emphasize on this trait enough; you have to become a great listener for women to start telling you about their secrets and the things that really attract them in men.
By knowing these secrets, it will become much easier for you to seduce them and please them.
These are the most important things that impress women, if you know other ones, please share them in a comment.

I'm going to share with you four simple things that impress women every time, I promise you that if you try them, you are going to look a million times better.
The first thing that impresses women is secrecy.
I was once sitting in a restaurant with a friend of mine and next to us was a couple, they looked like they had just started dating, well, the guy was talking about his cars, his money his job etc.
The woman wasn't impressed the least!
I'm sure that this guy was a rich dude, he had very nice clothes and seemed to be extremely savvy, but when he started bragging about things he owns, his value started decreasing.
And let me tell you that even if you really are what you are publicizing to be, women are not going to be impressed by it, that’s why the more secretive you are the more women are going to be impressed by you.
For example, I really enjoy playing the lute, if you don't know what a lute is, you can check it on YouTube, it’s a very attractive musical instrument to learn.
Even if I somehow can play this musical instrument well, I do not publicize it to everyone, and I will rarely tell women about my musical skills, however, when women come to my house, the next thing they are going to see next to my Xbox is my lute, and women are always going to ask me about it and what I can do with it.
I will be very cocky and arrogant about it and then I will play for some few minutes.
Women go crazy for a man whom they don't know totally, the less they know about you the more they will want to stay to learn more, if you reveal everything from the very first moments, they are going to have less "thrill" to know more about you in the future.
The second thing that impresses women is honesty.
This is where most guys are going to have the biggest troubles; they are going to think that because women need to be impressed, they should come out with anything to impress them!
I had some friends who would say anything to women in order to get them in bed, for example they will tell women that they have exotic animals at home or that they have a certain Japanese tattoo in the body etc. whereas it’s all lies!
Don't do it, you will look weak and it will break down your credibility forever with her.
When a woman asks me about something I don't have or I'm not sure about, I will tell her the truth, I'm not trying to win her or brag about who I am, I'm only having fun and minding my own business.
The third thing that impresses women is being a great lover.
I simply cannot believe how many guys are going to learn about women and make all the efforts to seduce them and when the time comes for the action, they will fail miserably!!!
This is not permissible at all, you have to master the fine art of pleasuring a woman, if you refuse this idea, then you should not date women at all!
You will need two things in order to become a great lover, a great teacher and awareness.
Look no more, I've got the greatest teacher that will make you learn all the best secrets and techniques to pleasuring a woman, this teacher is a book I really love, it’s called: she comes first, it’s one of the best books you can read on the subject.
As far as awareness is concerned, you will need to have this advice in mind all the time when you are with women:
Be aware of what pleases her and what doesn't, and do more of that which creates a nice feeling in her.
The fourth thing that impresses women is being a listener.
I cannot emphasize on this trait enough; you have to become a great listener for women to start telling you about their secrets and the things that really attract them in men.
By knowing these secrets, it will become much easier for you to seduce them and please them.
These are the most important things that impress women, if you know other ones, please share them in a comment.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Signs of a needy man
Needy men are everywhere, and they are also extremely unattractive to women, that’s why you need to find out whether you are a needy guy or not!
It’s for your own benefit, that’s why you need to use these obvious signs and actions needy men are going to do that you are going to read about in this post.
It’s for your own benefit, that’s why you need to use these obvious signs and actions needy men are going to do that you are going to read about in this post.
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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list
Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.
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