It’s for your own benefit, that’s why you need to use these obvious signs and actions needy men are going to do that you are going to read about in this post.
Look objectively at yourself and see whether you have got these traits or not, especially around women and around superior guys.
The first sign of a needy man is he always smiles at higher value people.
This is probably the most obvious sign of needy men, you need to check yourself thoroughly and see whether you do it as well or not!
Some seven years ago, I used to do this all the time, whenever I was around my boss or around a personality in my community, I would start smiling and leaning forward a lot, needless to tell you that this was driving women around me away and I was even extremely depressed!

If you are a crowd-pleaser, then you are needy men!
I'm sorry to say this, but this is one of the worst traits you can have in your personality because by pleasing others, you are simply going to deprive yourself of resources and energy that should have gone to your own happiness and to your own well-being.
From now on, stop pleasing others and stop offering your services to others freely, if people don't come to you and ask you in person for favors, don't do them!
Especially when it comes to women!
I still remember that I would look for things that interest a woman I really liked, for example, if she was into horses, I would print a very large picture of a beautiful horse, colored picture that would have cost me a lot of money, and then I would give it to her!
Needless to tell you that the woman would simply look at the picture and then frown at it or give me a fake smile and "thank you", take it and go away!
I made a vow some six years ago that I would never ever do a favor to a person unless they ask me first and unless they are loyal and good friends of mine and I have the time and resources to do it.
I'm sure that this is going to sound extremely rude to you, but trust me, if people do not ask you for favors and help, do not offer it, it’s an immediate sign that you are the neediest person on earth, and trust me, needy people do not get favors in this life!
The third sign of a needy man is being too nice!
For example, you are very busy at work when all of a sudden a woman comes to you and asks you for a favor, you jump from your seat and you forget about your task and devote all your time and energies to helping her!
Well, guess what, she's using you!
That’s a horrible thing to do to other people and especially to yourself because you are going to make them accustomed to using you and playing on your nerves and not returning the favor when you need them!
That’s why you have to stay away from those people as much as possible, and when someone asks for your help and you are busy, simply say this magical word: NO!
This is the first word you need to learn for becoming less needy and less clingy.
The fourth sign of a needy man is saying sorry!
Whenever you say sorry to other people, you are simply going to devalue yourself and look like an ass!
I don't mean here that you must become a brute and never say sorry again! If you make a mistake or hurt someone, you need to say sorry, however, if you have done nothing, don't say sorry and in fact, explain your point and never regret doing so!
These are the most obvious signs of a needy man, get rid of them as quickly as possible and you are certainly going to become one of the most attractive and most irresistibly man in this world!
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