- The first sign of a controlling girlfriend is always trying to blame you.
Whenever you are dealing with a highly controlling girlfriend, she is going to try to blame you for everything bad that's going to happen in the relationship.
For example, if you forget to call her, she is going to blame you and tell you that you don't care about this relationship and that you are not a trustworthy person!
Even worse, she is going to accuse you of different things because you are simply not in harmony with the way she lives her life.
So, blaming is the first sign of a controlling girlfriend, she is always trying to find fault in you and always trying to "correct you".
If you are dealing with a highly controlling girlfriend , the best thing you can do is to tell her that you are not going to let her bad and negative behavior influence your life and impact the relationship, either she correct her mean nature or leave!
- The second sign of a controlling girlfriend is trying to be exclusive!
By this, I mean that she is trying to get you into a relationship as quickly as possible, she doesn't want you to be free and have your own life, she will always try to push you in order to tell her that you like her and that you love her, she will try to influence you in order to agree with the things she likes and disagree with the things she doesn't like!
And this is very dangerous in terms of your self-esteem because soon you are going to feel like a puppet in her hands, she is going to manipulate you all the time and get rid of your opinions and personality.
These two signs are very important in order to tell whether you are with a controlling girlfriend or not, but the third one is in my opinion the most important and obvious to spot.
- So, the third sign of a controlling girlfriend is over jealousy.
Yes, this sign is the most important one because the two first ones can be found in most women, but over jealousy, where you are going to feel sick in your stomach and you are not going to feel unhappy with her, is the most terrible sign you are dealing with and highly controlling girlfriend, one who is going to create troubles in your life and also manipulate you in order to get the things she wants.
So, if she is always asking you where you have been and what you were doing, to the degree that you hate yourself and you hate spending time with her, then you are being with highly controlling girlfriend.
To sum up this sign, you are not feeling comfortable.
And if you are feeling uncomfortable with a girlfriend, then, you need to follow your heart and you need to believe in your instincts, you are with a person who is controlling by nature, and we do not like people who are controlling, in fact, our self-esteem and psychology has got many signals to warn us that things are not going right way.
So, if you are not feeling comfortable with a person, then you must understand that she is very controlling and she is not making you happy.
Now, what to do about a controlling girlfriend?
This is very important to understand, and if you do not use this radical technique with her, she is going to keep on manipulating your life and controlling the relationship to her wishes.
The best thing to do is to be a man again, prove yourself again, don't let her walk all over you, this is the only way to make a girlfriend feel secure and to lessen her controlling behaviors towards you.
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