Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sweet birthday quotes for your girlfriend

I've mentioned many birthday quotes that you can say to your girlfriend in this website, but most of them are either funny or sexy, but never romantic and sweet, so, in this post, I'm going to share with you some of the sweetest birthday quotes you can say or send to your girlfriend, they are not only very easy to remember and use, but are very cheesy and romantic as well, your girlfriend is going to feel incredible once you use one of them.

And this is what I need to reveal to you in this post: you should not use all of them!

I once was so stupid by sending my girlfriend five text messages in one day, they were very sweet birthday quotes, but to my surprise, she liked the first one, but the other four were just boring and unpleasant to her! She just ignored them!

Your girlfriend is not going to like it when you start using these sweet birthday quotes with her over and over, she may feel that you are just manipulating her and trying to get something from her!

Which is terrible for your relationship!

So, the first rule to abide by is to avoid using these sweet birthday quotes with your girlfriend all at once! One or two are more than enough, and if you feel hesitant, just use one, it will do you much more benefits than all of them combined!

The second rule you need to understand about using these sweet birthday quotes with your girlfriend is that if she finds out that you have copied them from the internet, she's not going to like it a lot!

One day, the story doesn't have anything to do with birthday quotes, an ex-girlfriend of mine found out that some text messages I was sending her were from the internet, so, she printed them and she also printed the websites on top of the paper!

I was so embarrassed and so surprised by what she did, but at the same time, I completely understood her and knew what I did wrong!

So, my advice is to change the words a little, it is for your own "safety"!

Now, here are the best sweet birthday quotes you can send your girlfriend:

  • I wish you an excellent and a wonderful birthday! You truly deserve all the best in this world.

  • I wish that all your dreams come true! Happy birthday darling!

  • I still remember all the blissful and great moments we spent together! Happy birthday!

  • On this pleasing occasion, I wish you plenty of love, luck and happiness. Happy birthday to the best girlfriend in the world!

  • Happy birthday to you, my friend and my soul mate who will forever hold a special place in my life.

  • Happy birthday to the most wonderful girlfriend in the world, I wish you all the bliss and joy.

  • May this occasion bring you great amounts of happiness and satisfaction, have a wonderful birthday my love!

  • Happy birthday to you, my beloved soul mate and most importantly, my most cherished friend.

  • A dear friend and a fantastic soul mate, that's what you are baby! Happy birthday.

  • Happy birthday to the most wonderful girl on the entire universe!

And please, if you have other ones, post them in the comment section below, I'd happily include them in this post.

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