The following text conversation starters are not very "original", but I'm going to tell you a very important rule to respect whenever you are starting a conversation over text:
Don’t be too serious!
This is the mistake I see most guys and girls doing all the time, they think that in order to start a conversation over text, they need to become very serious and bring up important topics to discuss, for example, something related to work or school!
Well, this is simply going to drive away the other person at the end of the line, he or she may think that you are boring and will find it very difficult to answer you.
So, the more your conversation starters are casual, the more effective they will be.
- The first texting conversation starter is:
"What are you doing?"
This text conversation starter may seem a little boring and overused, but you can never beat it, it is one of the most perfect text conversation starters you can use with both guys and girls because it is casual, it is easy to answer to and most importantly, it will make the other person at the end of the line talk about him or herself.
Always make the other person talk about him or herself, it is the best way to make him or her feel great about you and maintain a good conversation with you.
- The second good conversation starter for texting is:
"Were you there?"
This is the one I always use with girls, even if I have just met them, they will feel extremely intrigued and they will answer me almost quickly with something like "where?", Then, I'm going to invent a story or just tell them the truth about a fantastic event I attended etc.
The important thing to remember here is that you need to make your text conversation starters seem extremely appealing and very important.
- The third one is:
"Are you there?"
Yes, you may think that this is not a good text conversation starter, but let's be honest, it is going to get you an answer, it is going to create intrigue in the other person and more importantly, it is going to get the conversation going!
What do you want more?
Let me remind you that in this post, we are talking about good texting conversation starters, ones that are going to create and start a good conversation without making you look like a dork!
- The fourth text message conversation starter is:
“When was the last time you tried…?"
Usually, I would send girls this text message with something like this: "when was the last time you tried chocolate and strawberry milkshake?"
It may seem like a very casual text message, but it is going to get the conversation started and going, most importantly, it is very fun.
These conversation starters over text are very simple in their essence, yet they are extremely effective and they will create and maintain a fantastic conversation, you just need confidence to use them.
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