They will make you look very attractive and most importantly, you will always be surprising.
And let me tell you that once you become very surprising with girls and boys, you will become one of the most attractive people around.
So, what are the best flirty texting ideas you can use in your conversations?
This is what I'm going to discuss with you now:
- The first flirty text idea is a knock knock joke.
Both girls and boys are going to enjoy knock knock games, especially if they are DIRTY!
When flirting, don't try to act like an Angel, the dirtier you are and the more daring you are, the more unattractive you will become and you will soon find yourself unstoppable!
It is quite simple to implement this flirty texting idea, just go to any jokes website and check some dirty knock knock jokes, find the dirtiest ones and when you are flirting with girls or boys, simply send them these two words "knock knock"
Then, wait for an answer!
When they answer, they will want to play this game with you, try to surprise them and try to be unique with them, of course, you should keep them anticipating and eager to know what you are going to send them next, and please, don't choose boring jokes, only the dirtiest and the most funny ones.
- The second flirty text idea is writing everything in capital letters.
Most of the time, when I'm flirting with my girlfriend, I will use this flirty texting idea, for example, if she asked me what am I doing, I will send her something like this "I'M WITH FRED!"
We have grown accustomed to interpret uppercase typing as YELLING! When you use this flirty texting idea with girls for example, at first, it is going to looking like you are yelling, but then, after some two or three text messages, tell the girl/boy that you didn't pay attention and that you are sorry for yelling at them, then tell him or her that he/she deserves it anyway!
However, don't be rude and insulting, you need to hint at this with a very light humor, that's how you become very funny and flirty as well.
This is probably one of the most amazing and simple flirty texting ideas you can implement, especially with girls.
- The third one is using sexual connotations.
The worst thing you can do when you are flirting with a girl or a boy is to be overtly sexual, never use the X-rated words, in fact, insinuate at them but never be too blunt, hide your intentions through mastering your words and your vocabulary.
For example, I send girls this flirty text message all the time "did you find it hard?" Or something like this "are you hot?"
It always makes the message very flirty and soon you will find yourself discussing sex without ever being blunt about it.
If you have other flirty text ideas, please share them in the comment section below.
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