Yes, I guarantee you that they are going to work with every woman you are going to say them to, whether she understands Italian or not!
It is because the Italian language is always linked to romance, seduction and sensuality, and once you understand these compliments and know how to use them, you are going to become unstoppable when it comes to complimenting women and always having a fantastic reaction to what you said!
So, without further ado, let me give you the first and probably the most attractive Italian compliments for women:
"mi ero perso nei tuoi occhi"
Do you have any idea what does this compliment mean?
It means in English "I was lost in your eyes".
And it is by far one of the best compliments you can say to women in Italian, it is so because it is both very intelligent and also very attractive and sensual at the same time.
- The second Italian compliment to say to women is:
"Ciao bella"
And it means "Hello beautiful!", it is very amazing if you know the woman you are saying this to, especially if she doesn't understand Italian, you can also send her this compliment in a text message and she is going to feel immediately great about you.
- The third Italian compliment is:
"cielo manca un angelo"
This compliment is fantastic, most women are going to understand some words of it, especially angelo but they are going to be perplexed and amazed at the other words you use.
It means that "heaven is missing an angel".
- Now, let's talk about the fourth most attractive Italian compliment for women, and by far one of my favorite ones:
“Sei la donna piĆ¹ bella"
And it simply means "you are the most beautiful woman" .
These are by far some of the most attractive Italian compliments you can use with women, if you know other ones, please post them in the comment section below, I'd be more than happy to add them to this post.
ciao, suck me off
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