Thursday, February 12, 2015

"I love my girlfriend" quotes

Yes, the title of this post may seem a little weird: "I love my girlfriend quotes", but there is a reason for this, it is the fact that most guys who are new to relationships and love are going to look for this all over the internet in order to find the best quotes to reveal their emotions to their girlfriends, and that's why I would like to help you today by offering you a fantastic list of the most effective love quotes for your girlfriend, they are easy to say, easy to use as a text message, and most importantly, your girlfriend is going to feel great about them and more importantly, you.

And as usual with my posts, I'm going to give you some help for using them and even sending them as a text message or an e-mail, they may sound weird, but they are very important to have the most effect on your girlfriend.

  • The first one is to always create a romantic environment.

Your girlfriend craves romance, she wants it from you, she wants to be loved, she wants to be cared for and most importantly, she wants to be cherished by you.

Trust me, if you give her what she wants, she will go crazy for you!

And by a romantic environment, I mean that you should try to hold your girlfriend's hands, caress her hair, look at her right in the eyes, make her feel comfortable, and when you are done, give her a rose, one single red rose!

She will go crazy for you!

  • The second rule is to never try to rush things!

If you sense that your girlfriend isn't ready for the big L word, love, then, don't rush things, don't tell her how you feel about her, it may be very dangerous for your relationship, instead, be nice to her, and make her laugh, even better, try to make her miss you a little.

When girls miss a boy, they begin to love him! That's what my girlfriend told me and it works every single time.

So, here are the best "I love my girlfriend" quotes:

  • Loving you means that I give you my imagination, my feelings, my soul, and most importantly, my heart.

  • The day you came into my life, everything changed, you brought life and love with you, and for that, I am forever yours.

  • You light up my world; you make me improve myself, you make me happy, and most of all, you make me whole.

  • I wish I could just freeze this moment to make looking at your beautiful eyes last forever.

  • Wherever you are, just call me and I'll be there for you, I promise.

  • Before meeting you, I didn't know what it was to be fulfilled; now I know.

  • I love you more than love itself; I love you more than myself.

  • I'm sure that you know how I feel about you, but do you know that I'm ready to give up everything just to be with you and hold your hands near my heart?

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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.