The first thing you must understand is that if you try to compliment girls all the time, every single day, you will have so many troubles with them that you will hate yourself and may think to yourself that you must be doing something wrong , which is true!
In order to have a fantastic success with girls, you need to know when to compliment them, and the best thing to do is to focus not only on what you are going to say, but most importantly , when you are going to say it!
For example, if the girl is laughing and having a good time with you, it is the perfect time to compliment her, but if she is feeling angry with you and does not appreciate what you are doing or something else you have done, then you need to stay away from complimenting her and avoid it until everything clears out and she is feeling great again!
Another very important tool to respect when complimenting a girl is to always notice how she is feeling.
If she is feeling good about you, she is laughing and enjoying herself, you can compliment her, but don't overdo it, because if you do, it will probably backfire on you and you will hate yourself afterwards because of the terrible results it will give you!
And the third most important rules to respect when you compliment a girl is to make your compliments very "innocent".
If you try to compliment her by being creative and somehow very obvious with her, you are going to find yourself in deep troubles very quickly.
Better relax, get yourself together and concentrate on what you are doing, then use one of the following compliments with her, she will like you much more.
And here are the best compliments you can say to a girl:
- You are full of charm and beauty.
- I appreciate your opinions a lot.
- You have a very attractive body.
- I like your smile.
- I like the way you talk.
- Everything certainly looks very nice on you.
- You deserve a compliment, I'm going to say it later on.
- I really enjoy hearing your voice.
- I like your eyes, they are so beautiful.
- I wish I had your intelligence.
- You have gorgeous eyes.
- You have very use ears.
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