Sunday, February 22, 2015

Why men compliment women?

Today, I would like to answer this very important question: why do men compliment women? Especially the ones they like?

However, before doing this, I would like you to have an open mind and be ready to accept my ideas because the least I can say about them is that they are very controversial and somehow strange!

  • The first reason why a man compliments women is because he wants to seduce them!

This is the most obvious reason, but what you may not know is that men enjoy complimenting women who they are interested in, women that they think they have a chance with and would like to seduce and make into a partner or a girlfriend.

For a man, using compliments is the easiest way to attract a woman, as he thinks, and the thing you need to understand is that most men have been accustomed to watching TV and movies and seeing the hero compliments women and having success with them.

Which is the reason why men are going to do it as well, they are going to compliment women in order to have them around and make them feel comfortable about them.

  • The second reason why men compliment women is because they feel insecure.

Now, we are going to talk about the reasons most men are never going to tell, the fact that they are feeling insecure, the fact that deep down, they feel that if they do not say something nice or something witty to the woman they are with, she is not going to be attracted to them!

In fact, whenever you see a man complimenting women over and over, you must understand that you are dealing with a very insecure man!

And although this may seem strange and somehow not true, I guarantee you that most guys who use compliments all the time to seduce women are very insecure and don't know what they are doing.

  • Now, let's talk about the third reason: wanting to feel in control.

Sometimes, men are going to compliment women just to feel in control and feel manly.

All the reasons I've talked about are hidden and included in this one and a man trying to hide this fact from you is simply lying.

Most guys who compliment women over and over are going to want a sense of control on the relationship, they think that by using nice words, they are going to be attractive and most importantly, they are going to feel good about themselves because they will be appreciated!

In general, a man who uses compliments all the time is a weak guy, a man who has very low self-esteem and self-confidence.

These are by far the most important reasons why men compliment women, of course, they would like to seduce them, they would like to impress them, and most importantly, they would like to impress themselves and feel happy about themselves and the fact that they can attract women; this is the most important reason for this.

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