Sunday, March 1, 2015

The best quotes to get your girlfriend back

I'm going to share with you the best quotes to get your girlfriend back, but first, I need to give you some rules to using them and getting the most out of them.

  • The first rule is to never rely on your body language!

By this, I mean that you like your girlfriend, you enjoy spending time with her, and most importantly, you felt great about her, but you made a mistake, or, the circumstances push you to get away from each other, so, if you would like to get her back to your life again, don't face her and tell her these romantic quotes directly, in other words, face to face, instead, try to send them to her via text message.

The reason why I say this is because our body language can be very deceiving, it can make us look weak and needy, and this is terrible for getting your girlfriend back!

So, the best thing for you to do, as mentioned before, it is use your mobile phone or smart phone, and send these romantic quotes to her in order to get her back.

  • The next rule is to never overdo things with your girlfriend!

You may think that if you send her one, two, three or even five romantic quotes, she may feel great about you, she may start thinking about you and she may even wish you were with her, in other words, she will want to get back with you as soon as possible!

But the reality is completely different, your girlfriend is very picky and very sensitive to the way you communicate with her, and remember what I've told you before: once you look weak, your girlfriend is going to hate you even more!

So, don't send her too many romantic quotes to get her back, instead, send her one every other day, preferably, one quote every three days, try to call her and try to get her to understand your circumstances, and please, if she is mad at you, give her some time and space to forgive you and more importantly, to miss you.

I still remember two years ago, I broke up with my current girlfriend, we were madly in love and one of her friends told her that I had a website about dating advice and I was dating other women and "experimenting things" on her!

It is true, I hid this part of my life from her, but I didn't do it on purpose, yet, when she told me to leave her alone, I knew she was hurt and so, I did, I left her be for two weeks, then, I started sending her a few romantic quotes from time to time, I started calling her and then, we got together and discussed things openly.

During my two weeks absence, she started missing me and thinking that it wasn't a big deal, after all, I had clients and I was making money out of this while helping other guys get girlfriends.

Anyway, this is just to tell you that if you would like to get your girlfriend back, using some few romantic quotes immediately isn't going to help, instead, try to give her time and space to miss you, then, when you send her a fantastic romantic quotes, her heart is going to beat so fast and tears will run from her eyes that she will know that she needs you and she misses you during.

So, here are the best romantic quotes to get your girlfriend back:

  • I miss you so much, I keep thinking about you all the time, when are you coming back?

  • I feel so empty and lonely without you!

  • I know now why I feel so sad, it is because you are not here with me, in my arms!

  • I was minding my own business this morning when I felt horrible pain in my chest, it is you, I miss you!

  • Me without you is just emptiness and pain!

  • I wish I could have you next to me now!

  • You were the reason for my happiness, you were the reason for my joy, I miss you.

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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.