Saturday, June 6, 2015

The best conversation starters for teenagers

Most of my posts focus on adults, however, in this one, I would like to share with you, teenagers, a very important subject, the best conversation starters to use.

And although some of them may seem a bit "lame", they are fantastic and they will give you great results whether with boys or girls.

However, as with grown ups, before using these amazing starters, you need to arm yourself with self-confidence and a good body language.

Don't think to yourself that if you are not a cool guy, these conversation starters are going to make you very interesting and attractive!

This will not happen, what they are going to give you is a good topic and good questions to ask the opposite sex or even teenagers around you that are going to be intrigue and would like to answer you and have a conversation with you.

So, here are the best conversation starters for teenagers:

  • The first one is:

"Who cheats more boys or girls?"

This is one of the best conversation starters you can use as a teenager, it is both intriguing and very interesting as well, and people are always going to try to explain themselves to you and feel obliged to have a point when you ask them such a question, after all, they would want to defend their "sex" and their reputation as well.

  • The second good conversation starter for teenagers is:

"Were you there?"

Although most people are going to find this conversation starter a bit boring and somehow useless, if they haven't tried it, they are not going to understand how great it is!

This is simply one of the best conversation starters you can use as a teenager, it is going to create an immediate intrigue and guys or girls would want to answer you and ask you about what happened.

However, don't tell them stupid stories that are very obvious and known to people around you, tell them something exciting that has happened, and even if they were there, they will not resent you for it and they will feel that you are exciting and interesting as a person.

  • The third one is:


I enjoy using this conversation starter all the time, although I'm not a teenager anymore, and I find that it is both amazing and very simple to use and remember, I'm sure you are going to like it a lot.

  • The fourth conversation starter for teenagers is:

"Who lie more boys or girls?"

This one resembles the first starter tremendously, however, it is a bit different and if you use it with girls, they are going to find themselves excited and they will try to defend their point of view.

These are definitely some of the best conversation starters for teenagers, if you have other ones; please post them in the comment section below.


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