The first step to meeting women tonight is to take good care of your outer appearance.

You need to care about the way you dress and the way you appear to women, most guys really think that women are only interested in their personalities, but this is not true, women are interested in looks before personalities and they are always looking for potentially "better looking" man then you!
I know that this is harsh, but this is the truth, and you have to accept it in order to start meeting women successfully from tonight!
The best thing I really advise you to do in order to care about your looks is to head to a department store, one that’s known, and look for a very attractive woman, then simply ask her for advice about your look, trust me, women love taking good care of men and dressing them, I don't know, but I think it’s in their genes!
The second step is to "correct" those embarrassing features in your body!
I simply mean here that you need to take good care of your nose, beard, ears, fingernails, toenails, eyebrows and eyelashes.
You need to get rid of facial hair radically, you need to declare a war on the hair in your nose and ears, it’s not only embarrassing, it’s really disgusting and women will hate you for it!
No matter how cool and good-looking you are, women are going to hate you if they spot hair in your ears and nose!
When it comes to your shoes, you need to wear only classy and cool shoes that fit you very well, and one more thing, avoid any shoes that are related to sports, they are simply ugly!
Now, let's talk about the first "outside" step to meeting hot women tonight: knowing where to go.
There are many places you can go to in order to meet women tonight, however, most are going to be crowded with dudes and horny men, so, I'm going to suggest some very amazing places you can go to.
The first place is a trendy and expensive bar.
This is probably one of the best places to meet classy and beautiful women tonight, it’s because a trendy bar is going to get rid of losers at the door and because they will consider the drinks to be extremely expensive, they are going to crowd in a losers’ bar!
I remember paying ones for a glass of wine more than €20! You may think that this is very expensive, but it was a bargain since I met so many beautiful and classy women that night.
The second great place is a nightclub.
However, I do not recommend going there if you do not know the place first or at least you have someone to go with you, it’s because it can be extremely overwhelming and if you are new to meeting women, you need to stay away from this place because it’s simply scary and will give you a bad time.
However, if you have someone to accompany you, then you should use the techniques I'm going to show you some lines below.
The third place to meeting women is house parties.
I live in Amsterdam, and trust me, by just surfing the internet for this keyword: " house parties in Amsterdam ", I can find dozens of great parties that I will just pay some few euros to attend and that are going to be extremely friendly and full of hot and single women.
One of the most interesting websites you can visit is
Now, let's talk about the best way to introduce yourself and find hot dates.
The first important step is to always establish eye contact with women you really like.
This is extremely important because if you do not "introduce yourself" with your body language and acknowledge your interest in a woman, she is not going to be very receptive to you.
Just establish eye contact with her for 3 to 5 seconds and then smile at her, most women, if you have applied the clothing and grooming tips I've mentioned before, will smile back at you, and if they don't, it’s their loss, don't become anxious or worried, just move on and enjoy the people and the music.
Next, after establishing eye contact, simply count to three in your mind and then go introduce yourself.
And I really mean introduce yourself!
Stop acting like a pickup artist and do this the old way, simply go to the woman and smile a little, then introduce yourself "hi, my name is…, what is your name?"
This is a very simple and easy technique to talk to women, then, you do not need to bring her home, just talk to her for a few seconds about the party and the music, then tell her that you want to get back to your friends or make a call or something, and then take your mobile phone and ask her to type down her phone number, call the number immediately to make sure it’s hers.
This is how you can meet women starting from tonight, just apply these techniques and you are going to have extremely good luck with the ladies every single time you go out.
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