This is the reason why I'm going to give you these three fantastic conversation starters you can use with girls every time you are approaching them.
The first conversation starter with girls is "have you seen my imaginary friend Alex?"
I've used this opening line many times and it’s one of my favorite lines because it will create a surprising effect and they are going to start thinking about who is Alex and why are you asking them.
They will get surprised a lot and anything that will make women and girls feel uniquely surprised is great for attracting them.
After asking them this question, the next step is to simply smile and tell them that you wanted just to have a nice conversation with them because you find them very attractive.
You need to understand that the most difficult part of approaching and starting a conversation with girls is the beginning, this is where success and failure is made, if you do not have canned lines that you trust and can feel confident about, you are simply going to have lots of troubles and lots of anxiety.
This is the reason why I've advised you to focus on canned material because in my opinion they are one of the best things you can do in order to attract and start a conversation with girls very quickly.
The second conversation starter is a question.
One of the best things I like to use for starting conversations with girls is asking them questions, after all, if you are wearing nice clothes and looking great, no girl is going to refuse to help you or assist you.
So, whenever I spot a girl I want to talk to, I would notice anything particular she is wearing and then I will approach her and asked her about it.
For example, I once saw a beautiful girl wearing a very nice purse, I went to her and told her that I really liked her purse and I want to buy one in order to wear it in the privacy of my house!
I then had a very stupid and arrogant smile on my face!
She started laughing hesitantly a little and then I told her the truth , that I just wanted to talk to her and she can be sure that I'm not a weirdo!
This is a fantastic conversation starter, it will create a surprise and also make girls remember you all day long, when I called that girl again, I told her on the phone that "hi, it’s that attractive who likes to wear women's purses while naked in his house, how you doing?"
The third conversation starter is "can I borrow your mobile phone, I need to make an urgent phone call?”
By the way, this is not mine, I have found it on YouTube and have since used it to start many conversations with very attractive girls.
Just go to a girl and asked her this simple question, trust me, girls are very kind and helpful by nature, they will think that you are having troubles or that you have something urgent to say to someone, and they will simply give you their phone to call.
Next, you simply call yourself and wait until your phone starts ringing, then take it out and ask her about her name, then tell her that you will call her later.
This is a very smooth and slick conversation starter that you can use with girls very successfully; it has also got very low chances of failure as you will get her phone number most of the time.
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