By this, I mean the technical side of online dating and the things you need to have in order to find and have success with local women on the internet.

The first thing I would like to talk about in is that if you want to succeed at online dating, you have two options, either you pay and get very quick and positive results or you don't pay and wait for at least 2 to 3 months to start having great results with women online.
If I were you, I would simply pay and stop wasting time!
It’s because the free solution to meeting local women online requires Facebook and setting up an "extraordinary" profile that will demand lots of hours of work and lots of frustration, and you may even get your account suspended for inviting too many women!
I've tried to use Facebook for meeting local women online, and the thing I can tell you is that it works, but it’s going to require a lot of hours and a lot of content, friends, liking, loling, and defeats to succeed.
Now, my favorite solution is to use a professional and affordable online dating websites.
I live in the Netherlands, and one of the best websites to use for online dating here is and
You need to look carefully for online dating websites that are designed and adapted to your area, for example, if you live in the US, you can use or, they are the leaders and they are also extremely rich in profiles.
After paying and subscribing, you should start with the second step, which is setting up your profile.
You need to first of all take some great pictures of you, pictures where you are happy, and feeling great about yourself and your future.
I know that this is going to sound extremely lame, but it’s a must-do step in order to increase your chances with women, it’s because women are extremely sensitive and "experts" at reading body language, and if you only post 2 lonely and lame pictures, you will have absolutely zero chances with meeting gorgeous local women!
The third step is looking for local women in your area to meet.
This is absolutely the most simple and easiest way, just write down in your search criteria, the name of your city or town and how many miles you are able to travel in order to meet dates.
It’s this easy and it’s really very simple.
However, the most important step to meet the local women online isn't about finding them, it’s talking to them and knowing how to deal with them.
The first major step is to always have a great personality and a fun attitude towards meeting new people, not just women.
You need to reply to as many profiles as possible and you need to also lower your expectations a little, I simply mean that you must first of all focus on the number of profiles you send e-mails to, and then simply start selecting the ones you really like and would like to meet.
The next step is to avoid staying in the internet!
This happened to me when I was first trying to meet women online, I would spend many hours and sleepless nights talking and chatting with women without ever meeting them, after some few months, I found myself alone and depressed, however, when I started focusing on getting them out of the cyberspace as soon as possible, my success rate went to the roof!
If she doesn't want to meet you in real, simply move on!
Just focus on women who are available and who want to meet a really guy, avoid the ones who are online junkies.
This is how you can meet local women online.
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