It’s the fact that if you do not become very sexual with women very early, they are going to put you in the friend zone!
I know that this is going to look strange to you, but why are women meeting guys!?
It’s because they are interested sexually in them and if you do not act sexual, women are simply going to run away from you and are going to look for a much more sexual guy.
So, talking dirty to women is the best thing for you in order to make them highly sexual and attracted to you.
The first tip on how to talk dirty to women is to always insinuate.
The worst thing you can do is say a dirty word directly!
Especially when you are first knowing each other’s, it may work with some women, but the majority of women are "too prude" to talk dirty to you from the very beginning, that’s why they are going to hate and think that you are a pervert you when you do it.
An amazing way is to simply make them laugh and have fun with you on the first dates, then when you feel that a woman is comfortable around you, you can start talking dirty to her, however, here, in this stage, I don't mean that you need to say dirty words to her, just insinuate.
For example, if she is talking about something and she says the word “bed", for example, simply look surprised and astonished and asked her what she meant!
Tell her that you are a very sensitive being and that you do not want any dirty language in your conversation, she will laugh at this and you are going to appear highly confident and self-assured.
The second tip on talking dirty to women is to always have fun.
I know that you may have seen in some movies the main character saying dirty word to a woman while looking very serious and extremely severe, but this is never going to work, if you would like to say dirty words to a woman, you need to make her laugh at first and you need to get her in a receptive mood.
Now, imagine this, you are with a woman you've just met some two days ago and suddenly, you start saying dirty words to her!
She will simply run away from you or called the police, however if you start by making her laugh and insinuating that she is a dirty minded girl, she is going to feel much more comfortable around you when you start talking dirty to her and she is going to like you more.
The third tip is to use texting.
A lot of my dirty conversations do not happen on the telephone or verbally, I would simply send dirty texts to women, in these, I will insinuate that I really desire them and want them sexually, and then I will start having fun with them while slipping a few dirty words sometimes.
The next tip is to be secretive.
All women simply hate it when you talk dirty to them in public, even if no one is hearing what you are saying, they feel frightened and uncomfortable!
That’s why you have to talk to them only when you are alone, or a better technique is to whisper in their ears, it’s exceptionally sensual and it’s going to arouse them a lot while creating a confident feeling about you.
And this is how to talk dirty to women, if you have other advice or techniques, please post them below.
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