An essential part of eye contact is its duration!
That’s why I'm going to show you how to use prolonged eye contact when flirting with women to create an almost instant attraction in them.
Before I begin, you need to understand that if a woman uses prolonged eye contact when flirting with you, then she likes you and she is really feeling great about you.
The first step is to relax a little!
Most guys are going to hear about using prolonged eye contact with women and will start "staring" at women for as long as possible!
This is simply a rapid way to getting problems and even going to jail!
If you keep prolonged eye contact with a woman for a very long time while having a rigid body language, you are simply going to look like a psycho or a pervert, the best thing you can do is to relax yourself when you are keeping eye contact with her.

This is a very simple technique, which will work amazingly well, because when you are relaxed, your brain is going to feel less tension and it’s also going to relax your muscles as well.
The second step to using prolonged eye contact with women is to avoid focusing on the eyes.
A question: why are you keeping eye contact with a woman?
I guess it’s because you want to attract her and want her to feel sexual tension and sexual desire for you!
It’s completely true, when you keep prolonged eye contact with a woman, she is going to feel pleasure and dominance, and women like these feelings a lot, but these are not the best feelings you can arouse in them because they are also going to be accompanied with fear as they do not know you and are a little intimidated by your body language!
The best technique I really advise you to apply whenever you are keeping prolonged eye contact with a woman when you are flirting with her is to look at her eyes for little and then look somewhere else, for example, look at her ears, neck, lips, nose etc.
This is a very important technique to make your intentions very clear to women that you are not here to play or be friendly; you are flirting with them because you are interested sexually in them.
And there is no harm in that!
The third step is to learn to play.
Whenever I'm establishing eye contact with women, I will always play a little with my eyebrows and look childish!
Trust me, even if this sounds and looks stupid, it’s very attractive to them and it’s going to convey them all the right and meaningful "messages" about you, that you are a nice guy, funny, interesting, confident, and careless!
In other words, you do not care whether she stays or leaves because you feel completely relaxed. And women love to find and be with a man who is completely confident.
If you apply these steps when keeping prolonged eye contact with women when you are flirting with them, they are going to feel confident and also extremely positive about you.
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