The first cocky and funny line is "I really think that you are the most beautiful woman for your age!"
Trust me, I've used this cocky and funny line hundreds of times with very beautiful and very stunning women and they have always felt very surprised and also extremely angry while at the same time having a strange grin on their faces!
And trust me, this is the effect you should be looking for whenever you say a cocky and funny line to a woman, it should be both extremely confident and a bit rude and also very funny.
When you say this line to women, they are simply going to think that you are very adorable at first, but then when they start analyzing its content, they are going to hate you and may even hit you a little on the arm!
Trust me; whenever a woman hits you gently, it’s a sign that she likes you!
The second cocky and funny line is "I wish I could marry a woman like you, I would divorce you a week later and take half of your money!"
I have a confession to say, this is not line, I took it from David DeAngelo, the master himself, and I've used it over and over with beautiful women, trust me, this line is not only going to make them laugh so hard but it’s also going to create a feeling of insecurity in them because they are not going to know what hits them! And they are going to view you as the most intelligent and funny man around.
The third line is "do you take medications for this condition!?"
I've used this line over and over with very beautiful women, and it is really amazing and very funny!
Whenever I see a pimple or a spot on their skin or even long fingers, I would simply ask them this question! However, if you use this cocky and funny comment on average women, they are going to hate you, but if you use it on beautiful women, they are going to like you a lot because it’s a sign of confidence and masculine power.
The fourth cocky and funny line is "dude!"
You should use this line whenever possible and especially with very beautiful women because it’s not only going to tease them, but it’s also going to remind them that you do not care a lot about their reactions, and trust me, women love it when you do not care a lot about what they think about you.
It’s going to put them at their place and they are going to think deeply about messing up with you.
However, if you say this to a lowest self-esteem woman, she will not like it, and she is going to think to herself that she may look like a dude!
Trust me; by using these cocky and funny lines with women, you are going to put yourself at a very high level in terms of confidence and self-esteem, and women love guys with high self-confidence and self-esteem.
If you know other cocky and funny lines, please share them in a comment.
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