Most guys are too afraid to talk about anything new or strange with women, they think that they are going to reject them and they may even see them as unattractive, but the reality is that the guys who are going to attract women are the risks takers, the ones who are going to challenge them and surprise them.
That’s why the following topics are going to increase your success with the ladies undoubtedly!
The first interesting topic to talk about with women is them!
I've read in an amazing book; how to win friends and influence people, that an American telephone company did a study, they analyzed the content of sentences discussed through conversation, guess what, the most repeated word was: "I"!
People love to talk about themselves, and women are not only interested in talking about themselves but they are going to hate you if you do not bring subjects that make them show themselves as bright and interesting.
In other words, when talking to women, you have to make them talk about themselves as much as possible.
So, in my opinion, the most interesting topic to talk about with women is themselves. That’s why whenever you are with a woman, the first thing you have to ask her is to tell you more about herself.
"Tell me more" that’s the best expression to make women talk about themselves more, and it’s not only very interesting to them, it’s also going to make them feel highly attracted to you because women love to be listened to and love to talk about their "interesting" lives.
The second topic to talk about with women is psychology.

For example, some weeks ago, I saw a beautiful woman sitting in a cafĂ© here in Amsterdam, I went and talked to her, then I invited myself and sat next to her, soon we were talking about different topics and I started asking her about her life and interpreting things that’s happening to her, she started telling me about her self-esteem and her issues at work and I simply kept listening to her and nodding my head, then we went to have a bite and we walked near the river, I'm already in a relationship and I'm not interested in cheating on my girlfriend, I only approached her to "sharpen the saw", that’s why I told her bye, she was simply devastated and insisted that I get her phone number!
This is only to tell you that women are extremely interested in psychology topics and whenever you bring things that are intriguing and interesting to them, they are going to trust you more and are going also to see you as extremely intriguing and interesting man.
The third topic to talk about with women is gossip.
This is probably one of the most interesting topics to talk about, especially during your first dates, just ask her about her favorite movie or her favorite music band, then when she starts talking about it, ask her about her favorite actor or star, next, simply tell her about a rumor or something that you've heard about him or her.
This is extremely interesting to women because it’s going to first of all tell them that you are a fun person and the second thing is that you are not a weirdo and like everyone else, meaning that you are interested in people and normal things.
These are the most interesting topics to talk about with women, of course there are many others like cooking, emotional stuff, relationships, sex, career, future, kids etc. but these topics tend to be extremely exhausting on your part, the topics I've discussed in this post can intrigue and make women highly interested in you without you breaking a sweat!
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