I know that this is going to look and sound very rude, but it’s the truth, if you don't know the psychology of women and how to attract them, you are not going to have high success with them, it’s because you are not going to be aware of the right steps that will lead you to success with them.
That’s why I'm going to give you the most important psychology lessons when it comes to attracting women.
The first one is that women are looking for a manly man!

I've noticed this thing throughout all my adult life, it’s that whenever I'm in bed with a woman, she will always try to make me hold her strongly when she is sleeping and she wants me to embrace her tightly at night!
It’s because women are always looking for a stronger man to protect them they are going to feel vulnerable psychologically, they are looking for a man who can defend them and provide for them.
This is extremely important for you to understand because if you keep acting and thinking that you should be nice and gentle to women all the time, you are not going to have success with them and you are simply going to have nightmare relationships, one after the other.
The more you are in control in a relationship, the more women are going to respect you and the more they are going to find you attractive.
And don't try to make yourself look weak and fragile, it’s one of the worst things you can do in order to attract women, you should always look as tough and as strong as you can be.
The second lesson on the psychology of attracting women is to never let competition bring you down!
This is one of the most important lessons when attracting women, you have to always think that most guys are going to feel attraction and feel interested in women you really like, it’s quite normal if you are attracted to hot women!
However, most men are going to feel extremely weak when they are confronted with competition and they are not going to like it, in fact, they are going to look and sound extremely jealous which is going to make women highly arrogant and highly manipulative!
That’s why I highly recommend that you avoid sounding and looking jealous whenever you are with women, always look extremely stable and highly confident, because it’s the most important thing women are looking for in you, they are looking in you for strength and stability and if you are very weakened by competition, they are not going to like you a lot.
The third lesson in the psychology of attracting women is to never be a yes man.
This is probably one of the worst things you can do in order to attract women, some guys simply think that because they are going to say yes all the time to a woman, she is going to feel very attracted to them and she is going to follow them whenever they go!
This is not the truth and women hate men who say always yes!
You should have your own personality and you should be aware that women are going to respect you more when you have your own opinions of things and when you voice them.
However, don't think that you need to become an annoying arrogant person, saying no to everything!
You should just listen to women and whenever you don't like what they are saying or what they are suggesting, simply stop them and tell them that it’s not your opinion and that you do not agree.
If you do this once in a while, they are going to like you more and they are going to feel highly respectful of you and your opinions.
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