The first weird place to meet rich women is health food stores.

It’s quite easy to understand, they have the time, they have the desire, they have the means, and they want to please themselves and always look young.
However, if you go to a lousy health food store, in a lousy area of the city, you are going to find lousy women, that’s why I only recommend guys who want to meet reach women to always go to health food stores which are in rich areas, for example, where I live, I can meet very beautiful and rich women in the city center, we have some amazing health food stores there that sell very exotic and completely organic supplements that rich women go crazy for!
Just go there and look for women who do not have rings on their fingers, then start asking them and being friendly to them, then tease them a little and get their phone numbers!
The next amazing and weird place to meet rich women is a parking lot.
I did not write here "the" parking lot, what I wrote here is "a" parking lot, by this, I mean a parking lot that’s located in a rich area or a rich shopping complex.
Just park your car there and wait a little, then when you see a rich woman walking to her car, you can smile at her and give her a compliment, trust me, women like it, and they will smile back at you if they like you too.
However, do not act weird and do not look strange, wear extremely nice and attractive clothes, wear a nice perfume and have a great smile in your face, it’s the only way to make yourself look good for rich women and it’s also a great way to avoid attracting security to you!
Although this place looks extremely weird, many friends of mine met very rich women there, and don't think that by going there once you are going to be flooded with women, you should go there many times and why not even rent a nice car, it’s going to make you "acceptable" to these women.
The third place where you can meet rich women is a private beach.
Forget about public beaches, they are full of women, but they are probably not rich, one of the best places where you can meet rich women is a private beach.
Most guys would think that they are not accessible to the public, but most private beaches have got a bar, just go there, order a drink, and then head to the beach.
If you have other places where to meet rich women, please share them in a comment.
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