I've made this important realization ten years ago when I started learning about women and relationships, I was putting a lot of efforts and huge amounts of energy into understanding women and being attractive to them, however, no matter how much I spoke or what I'd do, they would always see me as an insecure and a not very attractive guy!
However, when I started understanding and knowing what things interest them and what women like to talk about, I immediately began to become one of the most interesting and the most attractive guy for them!
This is what I want for you, I want you to become the best man for women and I also want you to become exceptionally attractive by knowing what to talk about whenever you are with a hot woman.
The first thing women love to talk about is relationships.

Although women enjoy talking about relationships, you should never make it too obvious, in fact, you should always avoid associating yourself with her in a relationship, for example, most guys are going to tell women that they are destined for each other and that they are going to make the perfect couple, well, this is totally bad for you and you will not attract her using this technique!
The best thing to do is to talk about other people's relationships, for example your friends’ relationships and coworkers.
Simply tell women about these relationships and what you think are some problems people are running into!
Trust me, women enjoy talking about these subjects and they are going to find you fascinating, and if you know what you are talking about, how to interpret relationship problems and their reasons, which you should really focus on by reading the content of this website, you are simply going to become one of the most interesting guy for women to meet and talk to.
The second thing women like to talk about is fun things.
I remember when I was first starting to learn how to talk to women, I simply talked about concrete things like politics and science!
I soon found that they were not only bored by me, they also hated meeting me!
That’s why I advise you to start talking about things that are fun and sociable in nature, for example, talk about music, talk about dancing, talk about theater and other fun activities, and don't forget to talk about food and great and fun things to do.
Another amazing thing I really like to talk about with women a lot is sex!
I know that this is going to look stupid and "too early" to talk about, but trust me, it’s one of the most exciting and interesting subjects women enjoy talking about.
For example, if you are with a gorgeous woman and she starts talking about a subject, simply act as if you didn't hear something right, I remember one time a woman was talking to me about something very interesting and then she said the word "beverage", I interpreted it as if I've heard the word "cleavage"!
I simply looked at her surprised and quite ashamed of what she said, and I said "did you just say cleavage?"!
She laughed hysterical, she couldn't stop from making fun of me and saying that I'm a pervert, to this, I simply said "yes, I am"!
That’s what I'm talking about when I say women like to talk about fun things, don't take things too seriously and please, stop paying attention to what you say, just act normal and don't care about whether she is going to like you or not, go out to talk to women about things you really enjoy talking about, if you like video games, why not invite her to your home and share with her your passion!
The next thing women enjoy talking about is the future.
Whenever you are talking with a woman about the future, don't involve yourself, simply ask her questions about her career and things she would like to do in the future, she will keep talking about herself and her aspirations and she would simply respect you and enjoy spending more time with you.
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