Compliments are very conflicting and are also extremely depressing to women because if you don't say enough of them, women are not going to like you, however, if you use too much, women are going to avoid paying attention to you because you are simply going to sound like every other guy who approach them!

However, in order for you to use them, you should have established a relationship with the woman first, in other words, if you say these compliments to a stranger, she is not going to like them and she is simply going to think that you are a loser!
The first beautiful compliment to a woman is: "you make me feel strange".
This compliment is truly amazing because it does not imply that you love her, it only implies that she makes you feel strange and different.
One more thing, when you say this compliment, don't elaborate on it and don't try to say that you are feeling attracted to her, in other words, women are expecting that you do not reveal the nature of your compliments and do not reveal that your true feelings, they love secrets about you and the more she doesn't know, the more she is going to stick around and find you attractive!
That’s why this compliment is simply one of the best you can say to women, especially if she is a very sensual and romantic woman.
The second beautiful compliment is: your hair smells nice.
Trust me, this compliments, although it may sound too sexual, is not very romantic, because if you analyze it, a mother can say this compliment to her daughter and a friend can say this compliment to another friend, however, when you say it to another woman, it will have a very ambiguous and secretive meaning to it and most women are not going to be able to interpret it, in fact, when you say it using very strong and dominant body language, most women are not going to be able to resist it and they are going to brush or play with their hair.
It’s truly one of the most beautiful compliments you can say to a woman because it gives them value and pride in themselves and it makes them feel beautiful.
The third compliment is: I really like spending time with you.
This one is also extremely satisfying to a woman, especially if she likes you and like spending time with you too.
However, I do not recommend using it a lot because it will lose its strength and effect very quickly.
In fact, this advice is also targeted to the other compliments in this post because once you start using them over and over, women are going to become desensitized to them and within a short period of time, you are simply going to lose all your chances with women.
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