The first step to talking to women on the phone is about when to call them.

Some will say seven days, others will tell you three days, but I personally think that the best time to call woman is almost immediately!
This will sound very needy and extremely unlikely to work, but it will! And women are going to feel quite happy about you doing it.
It’s because most guys are going to the inverse thing, they are going to wait and wait for a very long time before calling a woman, thinking that she will think that they are losers if they call her earlier!
But this is not the truth; women know about the three days rule and will give guys a hard time if they apply this stupid game with them, that is why you need to call the woman as soon as you get home.
I would simply call her when I get home and talk to her for about three minutes, then I will hang up without setting a date with her.
The next step is setting a date with the woman.
Don't imagine that you are going to seduce her only using the phone, this is totally stupid and it should be avoided!
It’s because most of the seduction and attraction is going to occur with the help of your body language and when you call women on the phone, it’s not going to be extremely beneficial for you because you are not going to enjoy her company and you are not going to become sexually involved with her, you are simply going to act out her sexual fantasies on the phone without ever getting true benefits!
That is why when I talk to women on the phone, I always have the main objective in front of me, which is getting a date with her.
I will propose to meet her as soon as possible and if she refuses the first time, I will try to set another time, and if she doesn't want to, then I would simply move on because some women may give you their phone numbers while not really thinking about going out with you, this is simply going to be a waste of time and it should be avoided.
These are the most important things to focus on when talking to women on the phone.
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