This is not true, women are going to feel discomfort and embarrassment whenever you start talking to them dirty, especially if they don't know you a lot!
However, if you start using the techniques I'm going to share with you today, you are not going to have these problems at all!
The first technique on how to talk dirty to women is to always be ready to laugh at it!
I once was having dinner in a nice restaurant in the city when a man started screaming at a woman!
I then understood that the man was simply trying to impose his opinion on her and she didn't respect it!
That’s why he started screaming at her!
That’s when I started thinking about this idea: always have an escape plan, and the best one in my opinion is laughter.
So for example, when you are talking dirty to a woman and she becomes upset about it, look at her , smile and tell her that you were just joking with her and that she has no sense of humor!
This is truly one of the best escape plans you can have around women because it will put the blame on them and avoid making you look stupid or unsociable!
The second technique is to never start too strongly.
When you are trying to talk dirty to a woman, never start too strongly and say obscene words to her!
It will simply drive her away why giving her a bad idea about you, especially if you don't know her a lot.
The best thing you can do is to start slowly and from time to time, tell her a little innocent dirty joke and then you can move on and escalate things.
The third technique in order to talk dirty to women is to always insinuate.
Never look too serious and direct, always insinuate!
It’s the safest thing you can do when talking dirty to a woman that you don't know a lot, you will simply avoid a confrontation with her and also avoid sounding and looking like a pervert.
For example, when I'm talking dirty to a woman, one of the most ingenious things I do is to simply start using" it” a lot. I would say for example: "then I ate it!" and stop a little and smile at her!
To most guys, this is going to sound insulting and some guys may not even understand it, but to women, it’s too obvious.
It’s a great technique to arouse women and playing with their emotions and sexual thoughts.
The fourth technique is to always misinterpret things they say.
This is also one of the best techniques you can use in order to talk dirty to women, it’s because it’s going to initiate dirty conversations and it’s going to make them comfortable with you.
For example, when a woman is describing something to me and she brings out the word "bed" or "breasts", even if she is talking about chicken breasts, I would hide my face and tell her that she is a pervert while hitting her a little on her hand!
Trust me, this is one of the best techniques you can use in order to initiate dirty talking with women.