Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to impress a woman in a restaurant

I remember I was some months ago with two of my friends in a restaurant in Amsterdam, we were having a wonderful time and next to us was an American couple, they seemed like they have just met and they were in their first dates, I couldn't believe how the guy was acting and how was the woman reacting to him.

It was awful, he was doing everything wrong and she wasn't impressed at all!

That’s why I'm writing this post today, I would like to show you how to impress a woman in a restaurant, the right way of course, I will give you the most important tips to always keep in mind.

The first thing to keep in mind is to always be chivalrous with her.

Chivalry is a lost art, most men don't know about it or don't believe that it would work, but to women, it’s always their dream to meet a chivalrous man.

Whenever you are inviting a woman to a restaurant, the essential chivalrous things you can do are:

  1. Open doors for her

  2. pull out the chair for her

  3. Stand up when she excuses herself

  4. If it’s cold, ask her how she feels and take care of it

Trust me, even if these things look a little outdated, they are extremely pleasing to women and next day, she is going to tell all her girlfriends about the things you did and how great you were as a date.

The second thing to do to impress a woman in a restaurant is to forget about yourself.

I simply mean here that you have to avoid talking about your accomplishments and brag about your properties or things you have done, you need to give her time because she is the one who must be attracted and seduced, most guys forget about this fact and the first thing they are going to do after sitting is starting to talk about themselves and how great they are!

The best thing you can do here is to listen to her and let her speak her mind, trust me, it’s always a great thing when you find a nice thing about a person by surprise, that’s why whenever you brag about something, the woman is not going to feel great about you because you will simply look like you are trying to compensate for your low self-esteem and low self-confidence!

So, let her speak and listen to her, of course, you need to talk from time to time, but in general, she must be the one talking and sharing.

The third thing you must do is taking care of her.

Whenever I'm with my girlfriend in a restaurant or a coffee, one of the most important things I will do is ask her what she wants to order, then I will speak directly to the waiter when he comes.

This will look like a macho thing, but women enjoy it because you are playing the role of the leader and they feel more feminine and cared for.

The fourth thing is to advise her.

Believe me, most menus are huge and very confusing, women may find it very difficult to select something because first of all they are going to miss enjoying a nice meal and the second thing is that they are going to look stupid!

This is why I highly recommend that you only go to restaurants and places you know well, you should have already came there and tried the food because you are going to have the responsibility of making a decision for the woman you are with.

It’s quite comfortable and reassuring for a woman to receive advice from a man about things to try, but only do this if she is confused and seems to not have made her mind.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to get a girl’s phone number

The following technique I'm going to share with you about getting a girl’s phone number is not mine, I've found it in a very interesting e-book, and when I started using it, it completely changed my life!

So, follow this step-by-step guide in order to learn how to get a girl's digits rapidly and efficiently.

First of all, let's talk about the success rate of this technique!

I know that what I'm going to say to you here is going to sound very strange and not true, but if you have the right body language and right confidence, when you apply this technique, you are going to get 9/10 phone numbers!

It’s the truth and it’s simply amazing!

The first step is to always look perfect.

If you look like a homeless person or an unattractive guy who doesn't care about his looks and clothes, no matter how much you are confident and how great you are as a person, you are not going to get girls phone numbers easily!

It’s because girls are going to pay close attention to what you do and how you act around them, in fact, they are going to care a lot about things you are wearing and other very important details such as the cologne you are putting on.

That’s why you have to be extremely neat and you have to care about your outer looks whenever you are going out to talk to girls.

The second step is to be confident.

Unlike most people who are going to tell you to be yourself, I will only tell you to be confident, in fact, being yourself is not going to be attractive to girls if you are not confident enough!

By confident, I simply mean that you need to act in a confident way, you need to look into girls eyes and you need to smile a little, don't overdo it!

The second thing you need to understand about confidence is that you don't need to look aggressive or too serious, in fact, whenever you go to have a girl’s phone number, just act in a fun way and you are certainly going to get it very easily.

Now, let's talk about the most interesting steps in this post, how to get a girl’s phone number.

First thing is to always approach a girl within three seconds of seeing her.

If you start applying this step, you are going to become highly successful with girls, it’s because most guys are afraid to approaching them and they are not going to do it because their minds are going to screw things for them and they are going to start saying and thinking negative stuff to themselves.

That’s why you need to approach girls very quickly, in fact, after noticing them, count to three and then go ahead and approach them, don't care for now about things to say.

The second step when approaching girls is to say the following line:

"I just saw you and I really needed to tell that you really look beautiful!”

Then go away!

This will probably surprise many girls and they are simply going to not understand what is going on, and I'm really serious when I tell you to go away, you need to walk away from her a little, and then apply the third step.

Get her phone number!

Take out your mobile phone or a great looking pen and paper, then hand them to her and ask her to write down her phone number.

Just smile at her a little and simply tell her "write down your phone number!"

Trust me, this will make her magnetized by your confidence and she is going to write down her phone number very quickly and happily.

Monday, June 24, 2013

What is the meaning of wussy?

When I started learning how to meet and attract women, one of the words I kept hearing from guys was "wussy", I just thought back then that wussy simply meant a guy who is not successful with women!

However, the true meaning of the word wussy is much more complex.

This is what you are going to learn today, what does the word wussy mean and how to de-wussy yourself!

The first thing you need to understand about the meaning of wussy is that it’s related to the man's personality.

Most guys are going to describe a man as being wussy by just looking at him, but this is not very accurate, because wussy is related to the personality of the man in the first place.

Here are the traits of a wussy man:

  1. Cannot decide for himself and others

  2. Afraid of losing

  3. Afraid of women’s opinions about him

  4. A pleaser, in other words, he will do anything possible to please a woman even if this means hurting himself

  5. Afraid of change

  6. Emotionally weak

  7. Blames others

  8. Cannot confront people when they hurt him

  9. Cannot take charge of his life and his future, in other words, he is dependent on others

If you have more than two of these traits in your personality, then I'm afraid, you are a wussy man!

However, don't think that this is the end of the world; you can still change and make yourself into a strong and very attractive man.

The only thing you need to do is to focus on these characteristics women and society like in men:

  1. Start taking control of your life, stop blaming others and circumstances, you are the only one responsible for yourself, so act like a man and start doing what is right for you.

  2. Stop thinking of yourself as a victim, you are not, you are a fully grown man who needs to take charge of his life and who needs to avoid people that are hurting him, the more you view yourself as a victim, the more unattractive you will become, you are not a victim of other people and circumstances, you are responsible for what is happening in your life, the more you think this way, the more you are going to act like a strong and confident person.

  3. Never let emotions run your life, if you get angry, anxious, afraid, depressed, look for therapy and self-help, stop making your emotions rule your life, have control.

  4. Always decide for yourself, never ask or hint to other people to make decisions for you, first start by taking small decisions and then you need to grow your comfort zones and make decisions for the women with you, believe me, women love guys who make decisions for them.

  5. Accept and welcome change in your life, in reality, nothing is constant, everything is going to change one day or another, your parents are going to die, your boss is not going to be happy with your work someday, you will grow old, you will change! So start accepting it today and forget about people who are constantly holding change and focusing on the past, look for the future and stop acting like a wussy man!

If we sum up everything said in this post, we are going to notice one important definition of the word wussy: it’s a guy who doesn't take control or responsibility of his life and actions, this is the true meaning of the word wussy, if you have other information to add, please post them in a comment.

"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.