Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to dirty talk with women

I keep receiving a lot of questions about the best ways to talk dirty with women, and although I feel that it’s a very important subject to talk about, I have to tell you that in order to have great success with women; you need to stay away from dirty talking, especially during the first dates.

Most guys are going to think that because they've seen in a movie or a music clip someone talking dirty to a woman and her feeling attraction, then he should do the same!

This is not true, women are going to feel discomfort and embarrassment whenever you start talking to them dirty, especially if they don't know you a lot!

However, if you start using the techniques I'm going to share with you today, you are not going to have these problems at all!

The first technique on how to talk dirty to women is to always be ready to laugh at it!

I once was having dinner in a nice restaurant in the city when a man started screaming at a woman!

I then understood that the man was simply trying to impose his opinion on her and she didn't respect it!

That’s why he started screaming at her!

That’s when I started thinking about this idea: always have an escape plan, and the best one in my opinion is laughter.

So for example, when you are talking dirty to a woman and she becomes upset about it, look at her , smile and tell her that you were just joking with her and that she has no sense of humor!

This is truly one of the best escape plans you can have around women because it will put the blame on them and avoid making you look stupid or unsociable!

The second technique is to never start too strongly.

When you are trying to talk dirty to a woman, never start too strongly and say obscene words to her!

It will simply drive her away why giving her a bad idea about you, especially if you don't know her a lot.

The best thing you can do is to start slowly and from time to time, tell her a little innocent dirty joke and then you can move on and escalate things.

The third technique in order to talk dirty to women is to always insinuate.

Never look too serious and direct, always insinuate!

It’s the safest thing you can do when talking dirty to a woman that you don't know a lot, you will simply avoid a confrontation with her and also avoid sounding and looking like a pervert.

For example, when I'm talking dirty to a woman, one of the most ingenious things I do is to simply start using" it” a lot. I would say for example: "then I ate it!" and stop a little and smile at her!

To most guys, this is going to sound insulting and some guys may not even understand it, but to women, it’s too obvious.

It’s a great technique to arouse women and playing with their emotions and sexual thoughts.

The fourth technique is to always misinterpret things they say.

This is also one of the best techniques you can use in order to talk dirty to women, it’s because it’s going to initiate dirty conversations and it’s going to make them comfortable with you.

For example, when a woman is describing something to me and she brings out the word "bed" or "breasts", even if she is talking about chicken breasts, I would hide my face and tell her that she is a pervert while hitting her a little on her hand!

Trust me, this is one of the best techniques you can use in order to initiate dirty talking with women.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Signs and signals of attraction in women's body language

Women are masters of body language; they are going to convey so many messages and hints without ever saying a word!

That’s why you need to start understanding signs and signals of attraction in women's body language, because if you do not, you are simply going to be clueless about what to do next and you are going to have a lot of difficulties to making them like you more.

The first sign of attraction in women's body language you need to watch for is the smile.

Most men are going to think that women will rarely smile and that whenever they do, it does not mean that they are attracted!

However this is totally false, I've been studying women for more than ten years of my life and I know that whenever they "genuinely" smile to a man, it simply means that they are attracted to him.

This is the most important signal of attraction in women's body language, it will reveal so much about them and it will almost expose their "hidden" feelings to you.

Because through their smiles, you can know for sure whether they are deeply attracted to you or not and whether they want you or are just playing with you.

For example, if a woman smiles and then looks down, she is attracted to you and she wants you to approach her, however, if she is smiling at you while keeping eye contact, this is not flirting and it’s a way of provoking you or directly hinting you to stay away from her!

The second signal of attraction in women's body language is their breasts.

More precisely the torso, by this, I simply mean that whenever women's torso and breasts are pointed towards you, it will mean that they are interested in you and it will also mean that they are trying to get your attention and capture a lot of information about you.

The third signal of attraction in women's body language is keeping eye contact with you.

If a woman keeps looking at you for long period of time, and when you see her, she turns away and looks somewhere else, and she repeats it, then she is really interested and highly interested in you.

The best thing you can do is to smile at her and go talk to her a little later, because if you go talk to her immediately, she is going to feel panic and she may not even talk to you back, it’s all up to you, if your gut tells you to go approach her, then do it!

The fourth body language sign of attraction in women is related to the hair.

Whenever women are playing with their hair in your presence, it’s a mechanical movement and by it, they try to calm themselves because they are simply feeling too much of attraction for you.

I've had women do this in front of me and after knowing them for a very long time and asking them about it, they simply confessed that for women, it’s a "biological" reaction to a man they feel highly attracted to.

In other words, they cannot stop it!

The fifth body language sign of attraction in women is talking to you.

We tend to forget this, but talking is also an expression of the body, and when women are talking to you for an extended period of time, they are simply attracted to you and are trying to keep you with them for as long as possible.

The six body language sign is their eyes.

If women's eyes are fixated in your direction and are scanning your face and your body features, then they are simply trying to get more information about you and they are even trying to tell you that they are interested in you.

These are the most important body language signals women do when they are attracted to men, keep watching for them.

Friday, July 26, 2013

How much eye contact you should maintain with women!?

When you are trying to seduce women, one of the most important tools you need to use every time is your eyes, in fact, if you are not using eye contact with women, you are simply going to look friendly and not very attractive!

Trust me, the more friendly you look, the less women are going to be attracted to you!

That’s why I highly recommend that you start maintaining eye contact with women as much as possible; in fact, women are going to like it when you start focusing more on their eyes when they are talking to you.

The reality is that women are feeling frustrated with most guys because whenever they are talking to them, they will not be completely focused and this will simply irritate women!

That’s why you need to keep your eye contact whenever possible with women.

However, one question must be asked: how much eye contact you should keep with women?

The truth is that too much eye contact is going to be devastating to your success with them, and if you don't maintain eye contact enough, you are simply going to look extremely weak and having self-confidence problems.

The best advice I can give you is to do what your gut tells you!

This is not a great advice if you don't know what you are doing or you cannot interpret what your feelings are telling you, that’s why I'm going to give you another important criteria that will work for you every time:

Maintain eye contact with a woman until she looks down or looks away, this is the best measurement you can use for knowing how much eye contact you need to keep with a woman.

However, if you maintain it in a very direct and aggressive manner until she looks down, you will look like a criminal!

This is why you have to maintain the right eye contact with women, in other words, don't focus on her eyes alone, focus on the lips, nose, cheeks, ears etc. the more you avoid focusing directly on the eyes, the more women are going to know that you are interested in them romantically.

But you need to always start with the eyes, if you start for example with the ears and then move on to the eyes, you are going to look very weird!

The next thing you need to understand is that some women may not look down or to another direction when you are keeping your eye contact with them!

Most guys will simply get troubled by this and will not understand what is happening, they are going to get confused and will become less self-confident and attractive!

Whenever a woman maintains too much eye contact with you , without breaking it, the best thing you can do is to simply smile at her and play with your eyebrows.

Believe me, I've tried this trick many times on women, and even the most self-confident ones will smile or look away gently.

It’s because whenever a woman maintains eye contact with you, she is simply testing your confidence and testing your "manhood".

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to stop being clingy around women

There are many ways to attract women, but being clingy is not one of them!

You have to stop being clingy around women if you want to attract them, otherwise, you are simply going to waste your time and make yourself depressed on the long run!

When I was young, I was taught by some older guys that the best way to make women attracted to me was to be extremely clingy around women, this made me not only look very stupid, but absolutely have zero success with the ladies!

So, I'm going to show you the best way to stop being clingy around women, not only that, I'm also going to share with you some amazing tips to transform yourself rapidly and truly from a clingy, dependent guy to a very self-assured and confident man.

The first step to stop being clingy around women is to be aware of your true value.

Why are men cleaning around women?

It’s because they would like women to accept them and see them as "good guys"!

At least, that’s what I had in mind when I was acting clingy around girls, I wanted them to see me as the best guy possible and because of this, I was highly needy and weak around them, when I started seeing that this was not working, I simply changed my attitude and actions and I soon began to transform myself in order to get rid of my clinginess.

Now, here is the best technique you can use for stopping being clingy around women:

Take a pen and paper, and write down these affirmations:

  1. I do not seek other people’s approval

  2. I don't want others to accept me

  3. I feel great

  4. I like being myself

  5. I am the best friend to myself

  6. I treat myself with respect

Try to say these affirmations every morning when you wake up, they are going to help you tremendously to change your personality and get your life in control.

The second step is to stop smiling at women and other people.

I came to the realization some three years ago that a very clear sign of my clinginess was smiling a lot at women and trying to please them!

That’s why I decided to stop myself whenever I notice that I was leaning forward on them and trying to make them pay attention to me.

Trust me, this is one of the best investments I've done in my psychology and whenever I feel very weak, I would simply stop myself and think of my past and realize that I was too "gentle" and too nice to women and it didn't help me, it only made me look weak and unattractive.

So, stop paying attention to women and stop caring about their happiness, instead, care first about your happiness.

The third step to avoid becoming clingy around women is to start doing things you really enjoy.

This is probably the most important advice in seducing and attracting women because once you start caring more about yourself, you are going to start caring less about other people, and especially women. And by this, I don't mean that you should become a beast, a very rude and impolite person, what I mean is that you should stop giving people "free love", especially women, give it first yourself instead.

And trust me, this tip alone is going to transform your life radically and the more you are going to respect yourself and see yourself as your best friend, the more women are going to respect you and see you as the best guy for them.

These are the best steps and techniques in order to stop being clingy around women.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Body language – how to create instant attraction with eye contact

Eye contact is the most important body language technique to use for attracting women, and to create instant attraction in them, you need to master its secret steps.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The funniest flirty comments

Whenever I'm talking to a woman, one of the most important things I try to insert in my conversation is a funny yet very flirty comment, it’s very important because it’s going to set the tone and pace with women, such comments are going to reveal my true intentions which is going to avoid getting me into the friend zone.

This is one of the most important steps you need to do, you have to keep yourself out of the friend zone as much as possible, you need to make women understand that you are not trying to be nice to them, you are trying to tease them and flirt with them, you are interested in them sexually.

That’s why these funny and flirty comments are very important to your success with the ladies, here are the most amazing ones I often use with hot women:

The first funny and flirty comment is "are you?"

This funny comment is very obvious to women and when you start using it, they are going to know for sure that you are flirting with them.

Whenever a woman start telling you about some very obvious thing about her, for example that she knows how to cook or that she has a cat at home, simply ask her "are you?" or "do you?"!

However, if you rely on the words, you are soon going to find yourself alone because most of the flirting is going to be done with your body language, the truth is that 97% of flirting with women is through it.

The best thing you can do when telling women this funny and flirty comment is to look them right in the eyes and smile, they are going to smile back and keep talking or commenting back to you.

The second funny and flirty comment to use when talking to women is: "you don't look like it"!

You must understand that all flirting with women is teasing! And to tease them the right way, you have to be extremely self-confident and you have to also be very cocky, that’s why one of the best comments you can tell women to flirt with them is "you don't look like it!"

This is very simple and very obvious, when a woman is telling you a fact about her life, simply tell her this flirty comment while smiling arrogantly a little, she will know immediately that you are trying to flirt with her and provoke her.

However, some women may get offended, at least that’s what they are going to want to show you, but the truth is that they are not, they are simply trying to test you!

Just look at them and tell them "I thought you had a sense of humor!"

Believe me, this is going to make them aware that you are not to be played with and that you have got high self-esteem and high self-confidence.

The third funny comment to flirt with women is "shut up!"

This is one of my favorite comments to flirt with women, whenever they are arguing with me, I will simply tell them to shut up while smiling a little and revealing through my body language that it’s not an insecure comment.

Women really enjoy guys who have got high self-confidence, guys who can order them around and have fun with them freely.

Trust me, these are the only funny and flirty comments you need to know in order to have success with women, with practice and use, you are going to start inventing your own and your self-confidence is going to grow dramatically through using them.

Friday, July 19, 2013

How to flirt with older women

Older women may look complex and difficult to seduce, but if you know the right ways to their personality and their desires, you can easily create a deep connection and attraction in them.

Without a deep attraction, you can never seduce older women and you can never make them flirt with you, and to create a deep attraction with them, you have to learn how to flirt with them.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to talk to women online

In order to attract women on the internet, you need to know how to talk to them the right way!

In this guide, you are going to learn how to talk to women online the most successful way, it’s because there are so many things you can do wrongly and so many things you can write that are going to hurt your chances with women and even drive them away from you immediately!

So, rely on these techniques in order to have success online.

The first thing tip is to always make them talk about themselves.

I really hate it when guys start talking about themselves more than women do!

If you are adventurous enough, login to a chat room and put on a nickname of a girl, you are simply going to be drowned with questions and comments from guys!

I'm sure that this is going to look like a weird thing to do, but trust me, in doing this, you are going to learn about the wrong ways to talk to women online.

So, I find that the best thing I can do in order to talk to women online is to always try to make them talk about themselves, I do not tell them facts about me nor reasons why they should like me, I only tell them about who I am and that I'm really interested in knowing them more.

Next, I keep asking them questions about who they are and what interest them in life etc. You have to understand that if you don't know the right questions to ask women online, you are simply not going to have success with them.

The second tip on how to talk to women online is to always be fun.

Don't be rude to women and don't be very critical and "predictable", they are not going to like it and are going to simply go talk to another person!

What you have to understand here is that women are very bored most of the time and they are simply looking for the right opportunity to have fun and to have a laugh or two!

When you are boring, women are simply going to run away from you and are going to keep looking for the best guy who can entertain them.

That’s why you need to become an entertainer and you need to apply the right techniques to make them laugh and make them feel great about you from the very first moments.

The third tip is to always be ready to move on!

This is also extremely important because 99% of women you are going to talk to online are not going to answer you or respond to you positively, in the end, talking to women online is a numbers’ game, and if you get stuck with a woman who doesn't like you and doesn't respect you, you are simply going to waste valuable time because you could easily find dozens of other women to talk to!

These are the most important advices on how to talk to women online, if you have other suggestions or questions, please post them below.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Attractive questions to ask a girl while texting

There are many questions you can ask a girl when texting her, however, if you do not have the right mindset, you are simply going to waste her time and make yourself look unattractive!

That’s why I'm going to provide you with the most attractive questions to ask a girl while texting her, these questions are extremely easy and may look too obvious to be true, but the reality is that girls are going to appreciate you for asking such questions.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to meet women tonight

There are many strategies you can apply to meeting women tonight; I'm going to show you the most successful ones, the ones that are going to get you the highest and the quickest results.

The first step to meeting women tonight is to take good care of your outer appearance.

Your looks are the most important arsenal you have in order to make a great first impression on women, especially if you are a shy and introvert man, having great looks is going to increase your chances of success and lower your chance of rejection from women.

You need to care about the way you dress and the way you appear to women, most guys really think that women are only interested in their personalities, but this is not true, women are interested in looks before personalities and they are always looking for potentially "better looking" man then you!

I know that this is harsh, but this is the truth, and you have to accept it in order to start meeting women successfully from tonight!

The best thing I really advise you to do in order to care about your looks is to head to a department store, one that’s known, and look for a very attractive woman, then simply ask her for advice about your look, trust me, women love taking good care of men and dressing them, I don't know, but I think it’s in their genes!

The second step is to "correct" those embarrassing features in your body!

I simply mean here that you need to take good care of your nose, beard, ears, fingernails, toenails, eyebrows and eyelashes.

You need to get rid of facial hair radically, you need to declare a war on the hair in your nose and ears, it’s not only embarrassing, it’s really disgusting and women will hate you for it!

No matter how cool and good-looking you are, women are going to hate you if they spot hair in your ears and nose!

When it comes to your shoes, you need to wear only classy and cool shoes that fit you very well, and one more thing, avoid any shoes that are related to sports, they are simply ugly!

Now, let's talk about the first "outside" step to meeting hot women tonight: knowing where to go.

There are many places you can go to in order to meet women tonight, however, most are going to be crowded with dudes and horny men, so, I'm going to suggest some very amazing places you can go to.

The first place is a trendy and expensive bar.

This is probably one of the best places to meet classy and beautiful women tonight, it’s because a trendy bar is going to get rid of losers at the door and because they will consider the drinks to be extremely expensive, they are going to crowd in a losers’ bar!

I remember paying ones for a glass of wine more than €20! You may think that this is very expensive, but it was a bargain since I met so many beautiful and classy women that night.

The second great place is a nightclub.

However, I do not recommend going there if you do not know the place first or at least you have someone to go with you, it’s because it can be extremely overwhelming and if you are new to meeting women, you need to stay away from this place because it’s simply scary and will give you a bad time.

However, if you have someone to accompany you, then you should use the techniques I'm going to show you some lines below.

The third place to meeting women is house parties.

I live in Amsterdam, and trust me, by just surfing the internet for this keyword: " house parties in Amsterdam ", I can find dozens of great parties that I will just pay some few euros to attend and that are going to be extremely friendly and full of hot and single women.

One of the most interesting websites you can visit is

Now, let's talk about the best way to introduce yourself and find hot dates.

The first important step is to always establish eye contact with women you really like.

This is extremely important because if you do not "introduce yourself" with your body language and acknowledge your interest in a woman, she is not going to be very receptive to you.

Just establish eye contact with her for 3 to 5 seconds and then smile at her, most women, if you have applied the clothing and grooming tips I've mentioned before, will smile back at you, and if they don't, it’s their loss, don't become anxious or worried, just move on and enjoy the people and the music.

Next, after establishing eye contact, simply count to three in your mind and then go introduce yourself.

And I really mean introduce yourself!

Stop acting like a pickup artist and do this the old way, simply go to the woman and smile a little, then introduce yourself "hi, my name is…, what is your name?"

This is a very simple and easy technique to talk to women, then, you do not need to bring her home, just talk to her for a few seconds about the party and the music, then tell her that you want to get back to your friends or make a call or something, and then take your mobile phone and ask her to type down her phone number, call the number immediately to make sure it’s hers.

This is how you can meet women starting from tonight, just apply these techniques and you are going to have extremely good luck with the ladies every single time you go out.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Three great conversation starters you can use with girls

I really cannot understand why so many guys hate canned lines and seduction materials, which are things that you learn by heart and that you say to girls whenever you want to start a conversation with them!

Most guys will think that they have to be very creative and unique when trying to start a conversation with a girl, but this is not the best thing to do because when we are creative, we tend to make mistakes and we tend to look dumb, especially at the beginning!

This is the reason why I'm going to give you these three fantastic conversation starters you can use with girls every time you are approaching them.

The first conversation starter with girls is "have you seen my imaginary friend Alex?"

I've used this opening line many times and it’s one of my favorite lines because it will create a surprising effect and they are going to start thinking about who is Alex and why are you asking them.

They will get surprised a lot and anything that will make women and girls feel uniquely surprised is great for attracting them.

After asking them this question, the next step is to simply smile and tell them that you wanted just to have a nice conversation with them because you find them very attractive.

You need to understand that the most difficult part of approaching and starting a conversation with girls is the beginning, this is where success and failure is made, if you do not have canned lines that you trust and can feel confident about, you are simply going to have lots of troubles and lots of anxiety.

This is the reason why I've advised you to focus on canned material because in my opinion they are one of the best things you can do in order to attract and start a conversation with girls very quickly.

The second conversation starter is a question.

One of the best things I like to use for starting conversations with girls is asking them questions, after all, if you are wearing nice clothes and looking great, no girl is going to refuse to help you or assist you.

So, whenever I spot a girl I want to talk to, I would notice anything particular she is wearing and then I will approach her and asked her about it.

For example, I once saw a beautiful girl wearing a very nice purse, I went to her and told her that I really liked her purse and I want to buy one in order to wear it in the privacy of my house!

I then had a very stupid and arrogant smile on my face!

She started laughing hesitantly a little and then I told her the truth , that I just wanted to talk to her and she can be sure that I'm not a weirdo!

This is a fantastic conversation starter, it will create a surprise and also make girls remember you all day long, when I called that girl again, I told her on the phone that "hi, it’s that attractive who likes to wear women's purses while naked in his house, how you doing?"

The third conversation starter is "can I borrow your mobile phone, I need to make an urgent phone call?”

By the way, this is not mine, I have found it on YouTube and have since used it to start many conversations with very attractive girls.

Just go to a girl and asked her this simple question, trust me, girls are very kind and helpful by nature, they will think that you are having troubles or that you have something urgent to say to someone, and they will simply give you their phone to call.

Next, you simply call yourself and wait until your phone starts ringing, then take it out and ask her about her name, then tell her that you will call her later.

This is a very smooth and slick conversation starter that you can use with girls very successfully; it has also got very low chances of failure as you will get her phone number most of the time.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Funny compliments to use with women

To attract women, you can say many things, but compliments should be avoided as much as possible!

Although this post is about compliments, I will advise you to avoid saying them to women as much as possible because most guys cannot simply use them the right way!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Where and how to meet marriage minded women

Unlike what most women and some men think, most guys are not looking for one night stands and adventures, they are simply looking for meeting and dating marriage minded women, however using the dating mindsets will always give guys a hard time convincing women about their true intentions and their desires to commit.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

French compliments for women

I was thinking about writing a list of compliments for men to use on women when I had a strange idea! The French people are one of the most romantic and brilliant wordsmiths in the world, they are very known for their poetry and literary works, their language is romantic and creates passion in women almost immediately, and I happen to know French!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Five flirty questions to ask a girl

If you do not flirt with girls, you are never going to attract them!

Flirting is the art of communicating the right way with girls and if you do not know how to do it, you are simply going to look extremely awkward and very "strange" to girls, in fact, they are not going to like you and they may even feel regretful of talking to you in the first place!

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to build confidence with women

Truly one of the best investments you can do to your self is to build your self-confidence, it’s not only going to help you with women, it’s also going to help you with numerous areas of your life such as your work and your family life.

I'm going to show you how to increase and build true confidence with women, it’s a difficult process, but by using the tips I'm going to provide to you in this post, you are going to learn the simplest and most effective techniques to not only building lasting confidence, but to also increase your success in numerous areas of your life.

The first step to building confidence with women is to start valuing yourself.

As suggested before, building your self-confidence is going to require a lot of efforts and a lot of time, so, don't get desperate, you are going to reach your goal very soon, within just two or three months of applying these steps, but before, you will need to work on valuing yourself.

What do I mean by valuing yourself?

I mean that you should see yourself as a valuable person and as someone who is worthy.

Answer this question honestly: If you were a woman, would you marry a man like you?!

So, the most important thing to do now is to simply start asking yourself questions about whether you are valuable as a man or not, start seeing where you are now and start seeing what you can be in the future, for example, things you need to work on and traits you need to have in order to feel great about yourself.

Then, take a pen and paper and write down twenty things you really like about yourself, I don't care what they are; I just need you to write down twenty things you really think are great about yourself and your personality.

If you don't do this exercise, you are simply wasting your time and you will never build true and lasting confidence with women.

The second tip is to review your confidence list every day.

When you wake up, the first thing you have to do is to look at your list and see that you are a valuable person and that you are amazingly attractive to women.

That is all you need for this tip to work, your brain is going to adapt very rapidly and you are soon going to find yourself exceptionally confident in all areas of your life and especially with women.

The third tip is to never allow your mind to bring you down.

Your biggest enemy in building self-confidence with women is your mind, if you let it poison your existence with its negative thoughts and ideas, you are never going to reach success because it’s simply trying to protect you, that is why it’s going to tell you negative things in order to stop from hurting yourself!

The best thing you can do is to simply shut down your mind when it starts throwing negative messages at you!

This is probably one of the most helpful things you can do in order to build self-confidence not only with women, but in all areas of your life.

For example, when I was first trying to get a strong and healthy body, my mind would tell me that I will never do it and that I was too weak or too fat, and the bad thing was that I believed it!

However, when I started looking truly at what I can do and what I can achieve, I began seeing myself as a capable person and as a fantastic person that can reach everything he wants in life.

Now, let's talk about the fourth and most important tip, the doing!

If you want to build real and lasting confidence with women, you need to first think about what you want to achieve, and then start doing it.

I've learned this from Stephen Covey in his book the seven habits of highly effective people, I learned that in order to achieve things in your life, you have to do them! Otherwise, you are always going to stay a dreamer!

So, if you want to build self-confidence with women, you have to go to the field and start meeting women and talking to them.

"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.