Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to know when a woman loves a man

Let me share with you a fantastic secret to know when a woman loves a man, it is very obvious and it will change your perspective on dating and relationships forever.

But before I tell you about this secret, I need to tell you about a very important thing when it comes to meeting women and being attractive to them, it is not pushing things.

Most guys are extremely desperate to have a woman in their lives, they are desperate to have someone to love and to be loved but they are going to push themselves on women, they are going to keep chasing them, keep giving them gifts and doing favors to them all the time! Trust me, this is pushing, and it is going to chase women away from you.

If you only respect this rule, your dating life is going to improve a hundred folds, you will become much more attractive and women are going to not only find you more appealing, but they will have a high respect for you and they will values your opinions and your presence all the time.

Now, let me tell you how to know when a woman loves a man.

It is not very obvious, but once you will learn about this sign in this post, it will become extremely simple for you to spot.

She touches him!

That's it, and if you neglect this one important sign, you will soon find yourself unable to understand the interaction and the dynamic between men and women; you will just feel overwhelmed by the complexity of this matter.

To understand women's feelings and emotions, you need to pay close attention to their hands, where they are and where they are pointing them!

When a woman loves a man, she is going to try to touch him as much as possible, it is instinctive, she can't help herself, it is in her genes!

Next time you see a woman with a man, look at her hands, if she is talking to him and not touching him from time to time or being excited with her hands about him, then there is not much love between them, however, if she is pointing her body towards him and touching him on the elbows, hands, and even trying to play with something he owns, for example like a cell phone or something he's wearing, then she is immensely interested in him and extremely in love with you.

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