Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How to deal with older women who tease

I've received a question from a reader some few days ago, in which, he told me about how an older woman he knows is always teasing him and trying to be playful with him, yet, he doesn't know how to respond to her!

That's why I'm going to give you some amazing techniques to not only respond to older women who tease, but to also tease them back.

The first thing I need to tell you is that in order to respond to mature women who tease, you need to become a fun person.

You need to understand that if an older woman is teasing you, she is overtly tell you that she is interested in you, she wants you sexually, she wants to be with you!

  • So, the first thing to do when an older woman is teasing you is to simply smile at her!

Yes, smiling is a fantastic communication tool of approval, when you smile at an older woman who teases you, she will immediately understand that you approve of her, that you would like to be with her a little more and much more importantly, that you are open about having fun with her and enjoying your time in her company.

However, there is a difference between smiling for saying yes and smiling for seeking approval!

If you deep down feel that you are leaning a lot on her and you would like to win her approval of you, then you are doing things the wrong way, instead, you should smile confidently at her while looking her right in the eyes.

  • The second way to respond to an older woman who teases you is to tell her the following words:

"I know what you’re doing".

And please, don't try to explain yourself, don't try to tell her that you know that she is teasing you, instead, just tell her that you know what she is doing and keep smiling at her, it will drive her crazy.

And please, as suggested before, you need to act in such situations with high self-confidence and also lots of fun because if you appear as having problems and not being able to respond to a woman who teases you in a fun and direct manner, she's not going to like it a lot, and one more thing, if you don't like an older woman who teases you, don't tease her back, just ignore her, after some few tries, she is going to give up and she will never bother you again!

Yes, these are the two most important responses to have when an older woman is teasing you, if you would like to know more about this subject, I highly recommend that you check my other posts in this website about teasing women.

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