Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Funny questions to ask a girl

In your interactions with girls, you can ask them thousands of questions, but the ones that are going to stay in their minds for a very long time are the ones that are going to make them attracted to you, in other words, the funniest and strangest questions!

That’s why I'm going to give you the best and funniest questions to ask a girl, not only on a date, but also while texting her or while talking to her on the phone.

The first funny question is "who are you?"

When you ask a girl such a question, she is going to start talking about herself and what she is doing, but you need to interrupt her and tell her that’s not what you meant, you don't simply recognize her!

Trust me, she is going to feel very doubtful and she is going to start laughing a little and even giggling at what you are saying.

It’s because girls are extremely interested in surprising things and things that they cannot and do not understand!

That’s why I've used this funny question many times with girls and it will always work. The more suspicious and surprised you look, the more guards are going to find you interesting.

The second funny question to ask a girl is "why do you look so hot?"

Ask this question while looking very surprised and admiring, so, the girl is going to answer with something like "I don't know" or "it’s these new shoes" or something stupid while giggling and feeling a little self-conscious, then, interrupt her and tell her that’s not what you meant, and you only asked her because she looked ill!

Ask her to open their mouth and then start acting like a doctor, hold her hand and make sure she's not sick!

I would usually come up with a strange disease, imaginary, and I will jump from my seat and tell her that it’s contagious!

Trust me, the more you play on words, the more girls are going to find you interesting and surprising, and it’s not only going to make them very attracted to you, it’s going to make them love spending time with you and trying to get hold of you as much as possible.

The third funny question to ask a girl is "are you retard?"

Although this question may sound very rude and stupid, if you say it with the right body language and the right tone of voice, it will sound extremely funny and girls are going to like you for saying it and for being such a cocky guy.

So, you should say this whenever a girl does not understand what you are saying or what you are meaning, and simply start joking with her and teasing her.

The fourth funny question to ask a girl is "do you take something for this condition?"

This is also one of the funniest and one of the most crazy things you can say to a girl, and although it sounds very harsh, it’s not really what you think, and girls are going to interpret it very positively.

For example, you would say this when a girl is scratching her head just a little or when she is having a small pimple on her face, just ask her this question while pointing at "her condition"!

Believe me, she will be very surprised and then you need to smile a little in order to reassure her that you are just kidding with her.

She will like you a lot.


  1. I don't think I'll be able to ask a girl such questions!! Help!

  2. Do your best man, get out and try this on at least ten girls before giving up, you will like the tingly feeling in your stomach.

  3. I'm very impressed with your tips and advice, they are very consistent and somehow "good guy" techniques.

  4. I'm a good guy, but I know how to get bad from time to time and this is what attracts women a lot.


"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.