Thursday, September 12, 2013

Emotionally needy men, why they are not attractive to women?

One of the worst characteristics you can have as a man is being emotionally needy; it’s going to simply drive women away from you!

So, why are women not attracted to emotionally needy men!?

It’s because women are biologically looking for a strong and self-assured man, women are looking for men who can protect them and help them raise children safely!

I know that this idea is going to looks very strange and "un-humane", but it’s the reality, deep down in their subconscious, women are looking for men who can guarantee their protection and who can help them raise their children!

Throughout the ages, human beings developed massive brains that are not fully developed in newborn babies, that’s why when we are small, we are highly dependent on our parents!

And that’s also the reason why babies are born not fully developed; in fact, our bodies and brains keep developing until we reach twenty-five years old!

So, women are going to stay defenseless and resource-less for a very long time, sometimes more than five years, that’s why women are biologically wired to look for strong and very powerful men.

When women meet an emotionally needy men, the first thing their brains tells them is that such a man cannot protect them against danger and cannot be trusted with providing for her when she is pregnant and raising her children.

That’s why emotionally needy men are not very attractive; in fact, I've seen some women getting married to physically unattractive yet dependable men, and rarely to emotionally needy men, and if they do, there is a high probability that they are going to cheat on them sooner or later!

So what can you do about it?

The great news is that emotionally needy men can get rid of their weakness through training and through visualization.

It’s absolutely very easy to transform your psychology from weak to strong and from powerless to powerful!

In fact, that’s what makes us humans extremely powerful and extremely versatile, it’s our intelligence and the way our mind is programmed and functioning.

The best thing you can do in order to transform yourself from a needy man to powerful one is to start taking more responsibility of your life and start caring more about what really interest you and what really makes you happy.

This is the first thing to do; the second thing is to not give too much importance to what people think about you.

This is also extremely important because once you start caring less about these people, you are going to grow up tremendously and you are going to gain confidence, independence and self-esteem.

On the long run, caring about your self-esteem and self-confidence are the best tips to becoming less needy of other people and self-reliant.

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