Thursday, December 18, 2014

I want a woman to love!

If you are a man and you want a woman to love, then you've come to the right post, because I'm going to share with you some amazing secrets to not only find love in your life, but to also enjoy yourself in the process and feel great about yourself as well.

I'm sure that you have already noticed this: even if you are with a very beautiful woman, you are always feeling down, you are always asking yourself whether it is going to last or not?! Right?

Well, this happens to most guys I deal with, in fact, it is going to happen to 90% of the population! Females and, mostly, males as well!

It is because most men nowadays live in doubtful situations, they are unaware of how to attract women and how to make them love them, they don't know how to find a woman to love and more importantly, how to keep her around!

Well, in this post, I'm going to share with you what you have to do in order to find a woman to love and in order to keep her around you.

  • The first step is to become a man.

I'm sure that this advice is going to confuse so many of you, but in reality, most guys are still kids, most guys aren't real man, they are still stuck in childhood, they have never grown up and unfortunately, if they do not care about this side of their personality and psychology and do not advance in life and improve, they will always stay kids!

The problem with most guys is that they are stuck in infancy, they think that luck and money are the real factors for attracting a woman and keeping her around!

This is not the truth, in order to find a woman to love and in order to keep her around you and keep her satisfied, you have to give her what she wants!

She wants a real man, someone who can take responsibilities, someone who can be dependable and someone who is not going to run away when things get messy and where problems start coming up!

You can read more about this subject in this website, I have many articles dealing with the issue of manhood and becoming truly attractive to women by being a real man, I highly recommend that you read such articles every day until you have soaked in the knowledge that's necessary to grow up and improve your life, in fact, by doing this, you will become naturally attractive to women without even saying one word!

  • The second step in order to attract a woman to love is to love yourself first.

Most men are empty buckets!

This phrase has been said to me by a renowned American psychologist, he told me at a conference, when I asked him, that most men are empty buckets, they are looking all day long for someone to fill their buckets with love and approval.

So, how can they ever attract a woman to love, how can they ever be real men?

The answer is NEVER, even if you have money and you have all the power and luxuries you want, you are always going to find yourself in deep emotional troubles because you are always dependent on other people and wanting them to complete you, wanting them to approve of you and make you feel good.

This is the biggest problem with most men, they don't know how to love themselves, they don't know how to improve themselves and accept themselves for who they are.

So, I'm sure that you want a woman to love, but do you find yourself lovable first? Do you think a woman would find something lovable in you?

This is the answer you need to ask yourself every single day.

Find things to love about you, and if you do not have them, you need to start working on yourself and you need to start improving yourself immediately.

The most important step in my opinion is to begin with self-help, read articles about relationships, books about self-esteem and self-confidence, and watch programs about psychology and success, and soon, you will find yourself feeling great about who you are and the amazing thing is that beautiful women are going to gravitate around you and feel comfortable in your presence.

And unlike what most people are going to tell you, this doesn't take a long time, just some few months of hard work.

  • The third and most important step to find a woman to love is to go out.

I've explained this point over and over in my previous posts: most guys who are stuck in single life and who do not have someone to love in their lives, are simply too busy playing videogames, work for someone they don't like, watching TV, eating rubbish food , watch porn when they feel lonely, and do other stupid things!

If you would like to find a woman to love, you need to go out; in fact, you need to go out every single day!

Otherwise, you are simply going to be lying to yourself and within a very short period of time, you will find yourself depressed and extremely anxious about your emotional future.

Yes, I know that you want a woman to love, but if you do not apply the steps and advice I've mentioned in this post, nothing is going to help you!

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