Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quotes about your girlfriend

Let me share with you in this post some of the best quotes about your girlfriend, I'm sure that you are going to find so many of them very funny while also very true.

In order to understand your girlfriend more, you need to acknowledge the fact that you don't know a lot about her!

This is what most guys think all the time: that they know everything they should about their girlfriends!

But the truth is that they don't! If you would like to improve your knowledge about your girlfriend, here are some amazing quotes to help you out, so, without further ado, here are the best quotes about your girlfriend:

The first one is:

"Girlfriends are like car problems. You don't want to know the details at first, but soon, you do.”

This is a fantastic quote that tells you many important things about your girlfriend, like the fact that even though girlfriends might be a lot of trouble and a lot of issues, we still would like to be with them, and you still would like to spend time with them and have fantastic relationships with them as well.

  • The second one is:

“Isn’t it funny how I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm with you although I know you for a long time now."

Yes, even though you know her for many months and even years now, you still get butterflies whenever you are thinking about her, you are still worried about things to tell her and things to make her understand about you, and in reality, girlfriends are always going to be the same, you are always going to have butterflies in your stomach whenever you are with them, that's why they are fantastic and they make our life so much better.

  • The third quote is:

“Since knowing you, everything in my life has changed for the better; I only live now for those amazing afternoons with you."

Indeed, when you have a girlfriend, you always set your life and time for the moments you are going to be with her, you are always trying to get her to understand that she is important to you, but at the same time, you should avoid this, especially during the first months of knowing her, because once you start making her understand that you are missing her tremendously, she will start losing faith in you and find you very boring!

These were in my opinion some of the best quotes about your girlfriend, if you know other ones, please post them in the comment section below.

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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.