Thursday, June 4, 2015

Short and simple quotes to get your girlfriend back

Let me share with you in this post some of the best quotes in order to get your girlfriend back, most of them, are very daring, and are also very important to say and use as suggested in this post, but first of all, let me give you some very important rules to abide by before using these quotes to make up with your girlfriend:

When you use the following quotes, try not to laugh, try not to smile, and try to be sincere to your girlfriend, better yet, start texting her at first, don't try to meet her face to face and use these quotes, she may find out that you are just trying to get her back by using ready materials that you have copied from the internet!

This is what most guys don't understand: it is the fact that girls know that we copy stuff from the internet just to impress them, and even with a very serious matter such as getting our girlfriends back! You have to be very careful, and not use quotes that do not look like your own style which are certain to cause you problems!

So, try to sound serious, try to have a steady and relaxed body language, and try to text her first and make her communicate with you just a little, before using these quotes to get her back.

So, without further ado, here are the best quotes to get your girlfriend back:

  • The first one is:

"I know now why I feel so sad; it is because you are not with me!"

Although this quote may sound a little simple and very short, it is one of the best to make your girlfriend understand that you would like to get her back with you, and the reason you need to use this quote at first is because it is the simplest one, it has no "big" emotions, apart from missing her, attached to it!

That's why your girlfriend is going to appreciate it tremendously because she may hate you a little, she may feel very angry at you, so, if you use a lot of quotes with her to get her back, she will not like it a lot, let alone you!

  • The second quote to get your girlfriend back is:

"I feel so empty inside without you"

Again, I'm not trying to give you "the most powerful" quotes to get your girlfriend back, they may harm your efforts at first! Try to use these ones first; they are much more "smoother" and efficient as well!

  • The third quote is:

"I miss you so much, when are you coming back?"

Although I don't like using this quote a lot, it is one of the most powerful ones to get your girlfriend back, however, you have to be careful, if she is not prepared to receive such a quote from you, she will not like it a lot, in fact, she may even feel resentful and she may feel like you are using her and simply trying to manipulate her! So, better use the first quotes at the beginning, then, this one!

  • The fourth quote to get your girlfriend back is:

"My mistake was that I didn't appreciate you the way you deserve when you were with me, now, I feel lost without you and my life is so empty and dark, here is what I'm going to do: be the best boyfriend possible!"

The problem with most guys is that they are going to jump to this quote at first, or something similar, in order to get their girlfriends back, and this is a huge mistake! Never try to use the big guns at first, use simple quotes that reveal to your girlfriend that you like her a lot and you would like to have her back, but at the same time, try to escalate things with her and make her understand that you want her in your life again and that you feel empty without her, in other words, that you miss her.

These are some of the best quotes to use in order to get your girlfriend back, if you have a question or a suggestion, please post it in the comment section below.

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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.