Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ten things to compliment a woman on

If you would like to compliment a woman without risking hurting yourself and making her feel strange and embarrassed about what you have said, then you must only compliment her on the areas and the things I'm going to share with you in this post.

When I was young, whenever I wanted to compliment a woman, I would tell her that she was beautiful!

Well, with time, this made me less and less attractive and after a short while, most women from work and from the coffee shops I used to hang out in knew how lame I was and how unattractive of a guy I was!

This is the reason why I'm giving you these ten things to compliment a woman on, they are perfect and they will make you amazingly attractive to the ladies.

Here they are:

  1. Personality

  2. Humor

  3. Beauty

  4. Hair

  5. Wit

  6. Gestures

  7. Voice

  8. Intelligence

  9. Confidence

  10. Generosity

When it comes to personality, you need to always be very clear about what you are complimenting her on.

Because most guys are going to start complimenting women on their personality by telling them lame compliments like the following: "You have such a great personality!

Well, this is the worst compliment you can give a woman because it is so generic and so overused by other guys that she will feel nauseous and sick when she hears it!

Don't do it, and if you are not original, then please don't compliment her on her personality.

A fantastic personality compliment I use all the time is the following: "You make fantastic decisions, I like it."


If she made you laugh, compliment her on it, it is very effective.


Don’t make my mistake and be general, "you are so beautiful", don't be lame, be specific!

For example, if she has beautiful ears, tell her about them, if you like her skin, tell her about it as well, and if you like even her breasts, tell her about it, don't be self-conscious, women love to be complimented on the details.

I was once shopping for some groceries when a girl working at the supermarket tried to help me with some bags, I couldn't take my eyes off her breasts, they were so enormous and beautiful, I smiled and told her: "Your breasts are breathtaking", I didn't say sorry or apologize, I just stood there smiling at her, then, she smiled back, blush a little and went to work, I knew I could easily get her phone number and enjoy those breasts whenever I wanted, but, I am a faithful person and I have a girlfriend.


Hair is a very different matter, it is related to beauty, but it is not the same, when you compliment a woman on her hair, you tell her implicitly that she is very attractive and that you have noticed how much beautiful she is without being too obvious about it.

However, if she has a messy hair, don't compliment her on it because it is going to look like you are teasing and being rude to her.


Does she use words and metaphors all the time, is she excellent with communication? You need to compliment her on it as well.


If she is polite and knows how to use a fork and spoon of the table, tell her about it.


This is a fantastic compliment to tell all women, it is because they have a very sexy and pleasant voice.


Of course, women love to be called intelligent, but if you compliment her out of nowhere, she is going to doubt that you are not being true to her and you may be just teasing or being rude to her!


If the woman you are with take decisions and is outgoing and always taking initiative, then this is a fantastic trait and you need to compliment her on it as well.

And lastly, generosity.

All women would like to be called generous and giving, after all, that's their nature, and even if she is not very generous, you can use this compliment with her, but only when she makes a generous gesture.

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