Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Quotes to my girlfriend

Would you like some fantastic quotes to give to your girlfriend? Then, you've come to the right post because I'm going to share with you a lot of fantastic and amazing quotes you can say to her, she is going to like them tremendously and she is going to feel completely satisfied and overwhelmed by your charms.

  • The first quote to your girlfriend is the following:

"I appreciate every minute, every second and every hour I spend next to you"

Yes, this is one of the best quotes you can say to your girlfriend, trust me, I have a girlfriend and I know how to talk to her, the proof is that she has been with me for four years now and she appreciates every minute we spend together.

So, if you would like to take advice on the best quotes to say to your girlfriend, then, I am the one you need to listen to, just use this quote with your girlfriend and appreciate how she is going to find you attractive and very romantic to her as well.

The thing you need to understand is that even though most websites are going to give you very complex quotes to tell your girlfriend, the majority of them are never going to work for you, even worse, they are going to get you into deep troubles because girls are very intelligent, they know your way of thinking and your way of speaking, and anything strange to you and to your style is going to look suspicious and girls are going to be merciless around you!

So, only use the most simple and "uncreative" quotes with your girlfriend.

  • The second quote to say to your girlfriend is:

"When I'm with you, I feel free and happy"

Again, this quotes is wonderful, simple yet very effective when it comes to your girlfriend, if you have already built a strong relationship with her, she is going to appreciate you much more.

But the thing you have to understand is that your girlfriend may not like it when you start using these quotes over and over with her, this is the reason why you need to use them wisely!

If you are too romantic with your girlfriend, she's not going to like it a lot, however, if you are not romantic enough, she will not appreciate you a lot!

  • The third quote to say to your girlfriend is:

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me"

Yes, you may say that this is a very simple quote to say to your girlfriend, but the reality is that most guys are going to come up with much more complex sentences and lines which are only going to get them into deep troubles!

Again, my second rule is to be as simple as possible with your girlfriend while also being very truthful to her about your emotions and feelings.

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"You are the best girlfriend" quotes – a list

Let me give you a list of the most revealing and warm "You are the best girlfriend" quotes.